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-   -   Release Forms -- Model / Talent / Location etc. (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/taking-care-business/4899-release-forms-model-talent-location-etc.html)

Dylan Couper October 31st, 2003 12:22 AM

Sure thing.

Check out this thread for a couple examples.

Jim Wharton November 22nd, 2003 11:48 AM

I need some info regarding releases. I posted an upcoming project at another thread, but need info about the proper releases. We are shooting a ride-along type program for public access and will be in contact with the public most of the time. I've got the releases covered for the people we will be riding with, but does anyone know the proper type and procedure for those that might be standing nearby or involved with the Fire or Law Enforcement agecies being covered?
I notice on COPS that 99% of the time the people being arrested are clearly identifiable. Do they actually sign a release?

Rob Lohman November 24th, 2003 10:23 AM

Do a search in this forum on COPS. That question has been
asked a couple of times already.

Jim Wharton November 26th, 2003 09:57 AM

Got it! Thanks, Rob.

Ronald Lee March 6th, 2004 04:54 PM

Sample Contracts and Agreements?
Hi there

I know this has been asked before in other threads, but does anyone here have sample contracts or agreements for videography work, ranging from events, to wedding videos, etc...?

Basically a contract on paper that will end up saving your ass if something in the shoot goes wrong.


Dylan Couper March 25th, 2004 03:47 PM

If anyone out there has any general contracts they would like to contribute, I will happily add them to the knowledge pool in the F.A.Q. with credit to whoever delivers them.

Richard Alvarez March 25th, 2004 04:02 PM

I don't know of a specific "Wedding" contract, but the two books that get used the most here at our office are;

Contracts for Film and Television Industry by Mark Litwak


The Complete Film Production Handbook by Eve Light Honthaner.

As I write, we are re-working a location agreement for shooting on a corner in downtwon Houston next month. Handy books.

Ronald Lee March 25th, 2004 08:56 PM

Hi Richard,

Thanks for the suggestions. I know Mark personally, but I am in Canada and his contracts are worded for the US....so they don't work exactly....unless I modify them...

But as I recall, that first book doesn't have contracts for video work on a small scale, or did it?

How is the second book?

Lorinda Norton March 26th, 2004 12:28 AM

Hi Dylan,

I found some contracts a couple years ago but figure they're worth just what I paid for them--$0.

I still get people to sign them, knowing that it wouldn't save my "assets" if someone got nasty.

Now then, after that great intro, would you want to take a look? I've got: General Release Agreement; General Location Release; Standard Minor Release; Talent/Model Release; Standard Material Release. No idea who authored them, so I sure wouldn't want credit for anything--someone might sue me. :)

Would need to mail copies to you; paper only at this point. If you deemed them acceptable and agreed to save your 14x lens for me (I'm kidding--but do you still have it?), I'd try to type them up in my spare time and email the files to you. It's a BUNCH of words!

Alfred Tomaszewski March 26th, 2004 04:52 PM

a contract doesnt have to be some long drawn out thing. all it needs to be is an agreement on terms and dates for example:

__________________ agrees to provide:

by ____(insert date)_____

__________________ agrees to provide:

by____(insert date)______



Richard Alvarez March 26th, 2004 04:58 PM

Yup, it's defining what is "agreed" that makes them long. Undefined terms lead to lawsuits.

I don't know of a book specifically for Canada, though I have one from Australia. (Commonwealth no?) SO you had best talk to a Canadian lawyer and see if he can make a recomendation.

I happen to be married to an Intellectual Property lawyer, who looks at the boiler plate contracts I pull out of books and off-line, and tunes them up for me. (Or shakes her head and writes me one from scratch. Trouble is, her prices are so high I can barely afford her... good thing she makes so much money)

Dustin Waits June 1st, 2004 08:49 PM

Release forms for minors.
I mostly shoot footage of BMX riders at our local skatepark. Well today the people who run the park told me I'm not allowed to videotape anyone without a parents consent unless they were an adult. So my question is, where can I get release forms online since I have know idea how to write one up? Also, is there a way to get one that allows me to use the footage in any of my videos that I make? I know that most release forms are made specifically for a single production but when I'm shooting bmx footage, alot of times I don't know what the footage will be used for. So is there a way I can get a release that allows me to use it in whatever video I make? Thanks.

Jeff Donald June 1st, 2004 09:04 PM

Consult an attorney in your state. Some forms can be written to grant you all rights to the footage. I'm not sure the parents would sign such an agreement. Many activities and venues for youth are becoming increasingly restrictive because of fears of abduction, etc.

you might want to approach the local skate-park about becoming the "official photographer" for the their organization. Give them free pictures for promotional use of their park, in exchange for granting you exclusive rights to photograph within their park. In return, your photo release (written by an attorney) can be incorporated into the parks liability release.

Dustin Waits June 1st, 2004 09:09 PM

Thanks for the quick reply Jeff. There isn't a problem getting the parents to sign. They are all my buddies so its no big deal. But I just figured, if I'm going to have them sign something, it might as well mean something. That way if for some reason the people at the park decide to scope out all my work and paperwork, I will have something to protect me. Also, this is a city owned facility so I don't know if it is considered a public place or not.

Jeff Donald June 1st, 2004 09:15 PM

You may need to have your attorney contact the city. It might be publicly owned, but privately operated. Boiler plate agreements can be almost useless in a situation like this. It is best to contact an attorney.

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