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Peter Moore July 15th, 2004 02:47 PM

There have been cases of melodies consisting of four notes being given copyright protection. It all depends on the context. I'd have to hear the sounds you're referring to to be sure though.

Nick Vizzone July 16th, 2004 05:07 AM

Thanks for the info. Like most copyright issues, its a tangled web. So I'll just go a different direction, but I do appreciate the thoughts.

Billy Dalrymple August 2nd, 2004 02:56 PM

Copyright Issues?

I've been playing around with making some videos using popular copyrighted songs. If I share these with people via internet or DVD I assume that violates the copyright of the song correct?

I'd like to post one here for suggestions on improvement but dont want to break any laws...

Rob Lohman August 2nd, 2004 03:07 PM

I've moved your thread to the correct business forum. The question
has been asked and answered here a lot of times as well.

As you guessed that is illegal. You need to acquire the song
rights and the performance rights and whatever is attached.

Billy Dalrymple August 2nd, 2004 03:09 PM

got it... Thanks

Douglas Spotted Eagle September 15th, 2004 11:48 AM

Understanding Copyright Law
FYI gang, the "Understanding Copyright Law" DVD from VASST is shipping on Monday of next week, the title is heading to the warehouse now, pending any more Florida hurricanes shutting down freeways.


gets you to the DVD page. The DVInfo.net community COMM discount applies to this title.
It's a DVD and CD set, with the CD containing lots of location, model, and other releases, plus Quickstart guide to Fair Use and other legal goodies. DVD features Kenneth R. Wallentine, Esq. who teaches copyright and consults on copyright laws to institutions, musicians, videographers, etc. You can see a short stream on the VASST site.

Jeff Donald September 23rd, 2004 12:43 AM

DV Info and Fair Use PLEASE READ before posting Copyright questions.
The topic of Fair Use comes up quite frequently in this forum. Paul Tauger is very generous and patient with our many members, both new and old, in regard to this subject matter.

This is a very good basis for understanding Fair Use from Stanford University. Please read before entering into discussions of copyright and fair use.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Rafal Krolik September 27th, 2004 02:10 PM

Copyright Release Form ?!?!?!?!?!?
I have recently completed a music video which we now would like to submit to film festivals which have music video category, one of those being the Videomaker Magazine's annual contest. They require a copyright release form for anything that I cannot release personally. I can give my permission to the video but I guess I need to get the copyright release form from the singer.

1. Am I transfering all my rights to them by signing this release?
2. Do any of you guys already have a form for a situation just like this? ( I haven't found anything on Google that fits my situation )

Thank you for any help you can provide me.

David Talbot September 30th, 2004 01:44 PM

Where can I find a map without copyright problems?
I'd like to use a map in some of the promotional artwork... any ideas where I can find a map that is legal to use/won't have Rand McNalley (sp?) suing me for infringement?

Barry Gribble September 30th, 2004 02:19 PM


I don't know how quickly you need it... but the government publishes tons of maps that I believe are in the public domain... check this out to start:


Good luck.

David Talbot September 30th, 2004 02:28 PM

That's perfect, thank you!

Dan Uneken October 12th, 2004 07:52 AM


I sent you an e-mail.
Regarding your first point: that depends on the contract. I wouldn't think so.


Rafal Krolik October 13th, 2004 02:12 PM

Thanks Dan

Dennis Vogel December 10th, 2004 02:13 PM

Another Copyright Question
This seems to be the week for copyright questions so I thought I'd add one more.

Are the words to a poem copyrighted? Not the printed version in a book but the words themselves? I'm guessing they are. Having a poem read for a video would require clearance and/or licensing, no?

Good luck.


Rick Bravo December 10th, 2004 07:15 PM


1: The pattern of formation of sentences or phrases in a language.

2: A systematic, orderly arrangement.

3: Such a pattern in a particular sentence or discourse.

Example- "Ishmael...me...call..." No problem.

"Call me Ishmael"...problem.

(The opening sentence from Moby Dick, by Herman Melville, for the sea dwelling mammal impaired.)

The words are not copyrighted in themselves...the particular order that they are arranged in to formulate and convey a thought or feeling are.


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