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Amanda Flood July 11th, 2005 11:08 PM

Hey all, we're wondering what kind of camera you would recommend for us. We go to a lot of concerts and we love to get upclose shots of the performers from any angle or any spot. We'd also like the camera to be able to take great quality shots. We're also wondering if the camera you recommend could record short video clips with sound. Thanks for your help in advance, Kelly & Amanda

Chris Hurd July 11th, 2005 11:25 PM

Hi Amanda,

We're also wondering if the camera you recommend could record short video clips with sound.
Based on your description, it seems as though you're shopping for a digital still camera, so I've moved your question to our Still Camera forum. The basic answer is that the right camera for you is the one which feels best in your hands. Why not go to your local camera shop or major electronics store and try out the various models on display. The one that's most comfortable to hold and whose controls are laid out in the manner which best suits you will be the right choice. Hope this helps,

Tommy Haupfear July 11th, 2005 11:43 PM

Short video clips with sound would rule out a D-SLR with interchangeable lenses.

Amanda, I'm not sure of your budget but you might want to take a look at the Canon Powershot S2 IS (sub $500). It has a long 12x optical zoom and image stabilization. The optical image stabilization will allow you to zoom further and at lower shutter speeds since you probably won't have a tripod/monopod and your on-camera flash will most likely be useless. The S2 also has a high quality movie mode (30fps) with stereo sound. One other point of interest is the rotating LCD so you can snap pics while holding the cam above your head. :)

Here is a review of the Canon Powershot S2 IS

Click here

Amanda Flood July 12th, 2005 12:51 AM

thanks so much! anyone else have any recommendations?

Michael Salzlechner July 12th, 2005 06:12 AM


I take it you are not going to a concert as an accredited shooter but rather as a fan wanting some pics ?

If so the D-SLR would probably not be a good idea as it is rather big and you may have problems being allowed into a concert with it.

If not the D-SLR would be the best choice as you can shoot at high ISO which is required for low light shooting without flash.

As someone mentioned though D-SLR's do not capture video though.

IMO it is a waste to try and do both with the same camera though. A video camera should capture video and a still camera is for stills.

I would get a Canon 20D and then get some fast prime lenses such as the 85 1.8 or/and the 135 F2. Perfect setup for concerts. If you have more money to burn a 1DMarkII will be even better and will also be sealed so accidental spills will not kill the camera.

If a D-SLR is a no go either the Canon S2 IS or the Sony H1. Currently there really isnt a good compact zoom camera with good high ISO capabilities.

Dylan Couper July 12th, 2005 08:39 AM

If you HAVE to have the video clips...

I'd look at a Minolta A2. 28-200mm equiv. lens, very good image stabilizer, VGA movie mode. Manual zoom and focus. SLR like controls. The only problem is it is noisy at higher ISO settings, which may be too much of a drawback for you in low light, but this will apply to anything short of a D-SLR.

You are way better off with a Digital Rebel and a seperate video camera.

Tommy Haupfear July 12th, 2005 10:18 AM

Is the A2 still available? The A200 replaced it last September but had a few less features and of course was cheaper. Both have image stabilization (Anti-Shake) but the A200 has a higher resolution movie mode and a flip-out and rotating LCD. The A2 had a much higher resolution viewfinder but was omitted on the A200 to shave costs. B&H has the A200 for $579.

Tommy Haupfear July 12th, 2005 10:26 AM

Then there is that weird Samsung combo 5MP digital camera and MiniDV cam with seperate lenses and CCDs. For some reason it frightens me..

Click here

Dylan Couper July 12th, 2005 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Tommy Haupfear
Is the A2 still available? The A200 replaced it last September but had a few less features and of course was cheaper. Both have image stabilization (Anti-Shake) but the A200 has a higher resolution movie mode and a flip-out and rotating LCD. The A2 had a much higher resolution viewfinder but was omitted on the A200 to shave costs. B&H has the A200 for $579.

My bad, you are correct. The A200 did replace it, although they were so similar (same resolution, etc) that I forgot about it.

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