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Paul Isaacs August 31st, 2015 10:05 AM

PIX-E5H now shipping + New V1.04 Firmware
The PIX-E5H (HDMI-only version of the PIX-E5) is now shipping.

Home - Video Devices
PIX-E5H - Video Devices

Also, new firmware for the PIX-E5 v1.04 here:

PIX-E5 / PIX-E5H Firmware - Video Devices


- Support for PIX-E5H
- HDMI Record Start/Stop triggers from Sony and Canon cameras.
- 500GB Samsung 850 EVO mSata Drive added to Approved Media List.
- HDMI Input audio channels increased from two to four.
- HDMI Output audio channels increased from two to eight.
- Added ability to record from 3G-SDI Level B sources at 1080p50/59.94/60.
- QuickBoot™ is now deactivated 2 hours after power down to preserve battery life.

+ more

Plus more cool features to come soon inc LUTs.


Gary Huff August 31st, 2015 10:18 AM

Re: PIX-E5H now shipping + New V1.04 Firmware
Great new features, though lack of Panasonic support is a little sad. Is this because Atomos developed it even though it's an open protocol?

LUTs are the last thing I need before I'll pull the trigger on one. Again, would love the option to burn it to the onboard footage too for those clients that need close to final color as possible (while I can take the log for use in my demo reel later).

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