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-   -   PIX 220/240 Firmware 3.02 Posted (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sound-devices-pix-series-recorders/517581-pix-220-240-firmware-3-02-posted.html)

Matt Mayer July 4th, 2013 10:51 AM

PIX 220/240 Firmware 3.02 Posted
Sound Devices released firmware 3.02 for the PIX 220/240 a few days ago:

PIX 220(i) and PIX 240(i) Firmware | Sound Devices, LLC


Drives are now formatted as exFAT instead of UDF. It is still possible to record and playback from PIX UDF drives.

Fixes & Changes

RGB (4:4:4) full range values now always recorded and output with full dynamic range instead of legal range.
Occasional random file splits and corruption due to loss of lock to incoming SDI
Occasional random file splits due to incorrect reading of SDI embedded timecode
Fixed a rare issue where A-time would freeze on zero at record start and would require a reboot.
Fixed issue where custom menu settings would reset after a power cycle
Other minor bug fixes and system improvements

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