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Tyson Persall July 7th, 2007 11:41 AM

EX Lens Thread size for M2 adaptor? other questions...
1) I know the specs arnt out just yet but maybe this is known.
but i am looking to get a M2 lens adapter and wondering if I buy one now for use with cameras i own - will it work with a future XDCAM EX? Do you think the 1/2 inch chips will make the lens ring larger than 72mm?

2) Also, this shoule have HDMI output right? All sony's recent cameras have it now. I would be supprised if not but from the pictures i dont see - maybe its under a flap.

3) Also, from the pictures I was noticing where the Expanded focus button was - right by the thumb record button - so you dont have to move your left hand from the lens to find it - as I usually have to do with other cameras. This is nice.

4) With the other XDCAM models, when you are in camera mode -shooting - and you push the 'Review shot" button (or whatever its called) how long does it take to look at your shot? I have only used tape based cameras where it takes a long time - and i end up never using the shot review button b/c im affraid it wont return to the right timecode place - but with non-tape based cameras - you should be able to quickly look at your last take right>? - with little delay - and not worry about tapeing over something. This would be huge for me.

Greg Boston July 7th, 2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Tyson Persall (Post 708427)
With the other XDCAM models, when you are in camera mode -shooting - and you push the 'Review shot" button (or whatever its called) how long does it take to look at your shot? I have only used tape based cameras where it takes a long time - and i end up never using the shot review button b/c im affraid it wont return to the right timecode place - but with non-tape based cameras - you should be able to quickly look at your last take right>? - with little delay - and not worry about tapeing over something. This would be huge for me.

And that is exactly what sold me on XDCAM HD. No, you can't accidently erase over anything. It's random access media and you can be looking at something you shot earlier on the disc and press record right in the middle of reviewing. It starts recording just like that. Little delay is right... in fact, pretty non-existent. The transport controls on the bigger cameras have a previous and next that go from clip to clip, just as you go from song to song on an audio cd.

As for thread size, IIRC, it's 82mm.


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