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-   -   Sony XDCAM EX -- a bunch of pics (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-xdcam-ex-pro-handhelds/91612-sony-xdcam-ex-bunch-pics.html)

Chris Hurd April 16th, 2007 02:23 AM

Sony XDCAM EX -- a bunch of pics
6 Attachment(s)
From the Sony press conference; pretty sloppy, quick and dirty -- but better than nothing.

Unregistered users who can't see these images can grab them from www.dvinfo.net/media/nab2007

Chris Hurd April 16th, 2007 02:25 AM

4 Attachment(s)
some more...

Chris Hurd April 16th, 2007 02:27 AM

4 Attachment(s)
click thumbnails to see 'em big...

Joe Lawry April 16th, 2007 03:22 AM

Cheers Chris, Very very interesting,

and from what we've read here - http://www.dpreview.com/news/0704/07...cardformat.asp

It looks like there will be a new line of EX camcorders.

Still think it looks very ugly, but oh well, lets wait to see some real specs and video.


Mark Utley April 16th, 2007 03:25 AM

Wow, I'm excited to see more about this.

Peter Jefferson April 16th, 2007 04:48 AM

bloody big......

Matt Davis April 16th, 2007 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by Peter Jefferson (Post 661055)
bloody big......

Yes, the earlier pictures and talk of it being V1 sized had me going for a bit.

That push-pull focus ring says that you can manually control it with a proper infinity stop. If so, double-yay.

Now, this may sound unfair, but does anyone else think it's slightly 'unfinished'?

- The rear panel looks a bit lacking in protection (no door over the level knobs
- A power input that's up in the air ready to drape cables in the wrong place
- A nude and exposed FW port (the Z1's got it upturned in a way that keeps stuff out and cables don't get clonked)
- A new sort of battery?
- There's a user assigned button under the lens as well as the shutter and whitebal buttons. Any others?
- There's a TC/Userbit Duration area on the top panel - would there be a button for "bumping the timecode up one roll" even though there's no such things as rolls any more? :)
- The viewfinder looks very chunky, maybe it's required for extra strength as it slides fore and aft; which leads to the question of a quasi shoulder mount option?
- It's as if the layout of the buttons were arranged to sort of match a shoulder-mounted camera, even though remaining a 'sausage on a stick' sort of camera.

The CineAlta logo is definitely saying 'I am NOT an HDV camera'. Good to see things like Shot Transition have made it.

But if it's to be a Z1 with a better lens, a bigger sensor for DoF, XDCAM-HD performance, I think I gotta have one.

Peter Jefferson April 16th, 2007 06:52 AM

i certainly hope its not unbalanced like the Z1.. that and the hand grip on the Z1 made it virtually unusable to use by hand for extended periods.Ive got BIG hands, and its still doesnt fit snugly... i found my hand is overtly opened wider than is comfortable..

Marlon Torres April 16th, 2007 08:19 AM

Very ugly camera. Hopefully the specs will be nice.

Peter Jefferson April 16th, 2007 08:28 AM

wonder if theyll release one without SDI??
that should alleviate pricing issues on the outset.. by having SDI, one can only assume it wil be hitting the 10 to 15k mark (AUD)

Alex Leith April 16th, 2007 08:39 AM

I actually think this camera looks quite nice - certainly nicer than the HVX200.

It somehow reminds me of a modern retro take on some of the old 16mm clockwork cameras.

I'm guessing this is a non-working prototype??? Chris?

Chris Hurd April 16th, 2007 08:41 AM

Bob Ott of Sony told me that the price is TBD, but will be "under $8,000 USD."

Remember folks this is just a non-working prototype, a mock-up... maybe they're not finished with it yet.

Nate Weaver April 16th, 2007 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Marlon Torres (Post 661139)
Very ugly camera. Hopefully the specs will be nice.

If it makes pictures like a 330/350, it will be the most beautiful camera available for the price.

Peter Ferling April 16th, 2007 08:49 AM

Ugly yes, and agree looks unfinished, maybe looking for last minute reaction? Yes, my first impression was something V1 in size as well. More comparable to a Canon XH-G1/A1 in size (and maybe weight). Larger sensor, not HDV, and flash memory that can hold an hour's worth of video, (and maybe priced very close to a XHG1?) I think I found my second camera.

Alex Leith April 16th, 2007 09:01 AM

Looking at the buttons on the outside it has all the user interface control surfaces exactly as I'd dream the perfect handheld camera. The back end does look a little "chopped off" - but with no tape transport to accomodate, why make it longer just for the sake of it?

I'm interested to see a "release" button near the record trigger...

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