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-   -   Sony announces the XDCAM EX (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-xdcam-ex-pro-handhelds/91594-sony-announces-xdcam-ex.html)

Alex Leith July 1st, 2007 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Carlo Sigismondi (Post 705423)
Simon, I think that most of questions we have here are showing the lack of footage and screen grabs from Xdcam Hd despite it's already a year available...

You can see a fair amount of it on TV already! And I've seen some commercials posted that used the XDCAM (although I can't seem to find them now)... As I recall they were gorgeously graded, so it's perfectly possible to push XDCAM HD in post.

Paulo Teixeira July 1st, 2007 12:59 PM

Based on the pricing, the HPX500 being compared to the F330 is fair but not against the F350. For the F350, you’d have to compare it to the HPX2000. The HPX2000 is a little bit more than the F350 but at least the price difference is much closer.

Alex Leith July 1st, 2007 02:14 PM

I acknowledge the sentiment of what you're saying Paulo (although over here in the UK the HPX500 is about the same price as the F350!!!)...

I feel there's nothing wrong with comparing cameras at different price points, as long as one makes a judgement on price too... (ie. camera A has "X" camera B doesn't, but camera B is half the cost... etc).

Greg Boston July 1st, 2007 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Carlo Sigismondi (Post 705423)
Simon, I think that most of questions we have here are showing the lack of footage and screen grabs from Xdcam Hd despite it's already a year available.

You can start with this posting I put up last November.


Those are 4 UNCORRECTED screen grabs using Cinegamma 4 and HISAT matrix settings. They are shot in late afternoon on a fall day.

There have been links to other video samples by our members in the Sony XDCAM forum here at DVINFO. This forum is for the XDCAM EX.

The reason I don't post videos is because the full resolution files are huge and I don't have any hosting capability for files that large.


Mark Williams July 1st, 2007 07:45 PM


Thanks for the samples. I really liked the way the orange berries and red flower did not bleed. I know these are difficult colors for cams to manage accurately.


Piotr Wozniacki July 4th, 2007 04:33 AM

Just a short question to those who have actually seen the EX: what's the lens thread diameter - 72mm or higher?

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