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-   -   Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-xdcam-ex-pro-handhelds/536491-realistic-card-options-pxw-z280.html)

Jeff Wallace January 25th, 2023 04:01 PM

Re: Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280?
Thanks Chris, I wound up getting a MEAD-SD02 and a Sony Tough SD card and it works great. I have an XQD adapter on order so I look forward to that, and opening up more recording options.

What bums me out most about the SxS cards, is that even just the card reader is almost $400 ! I already have a bunch XQD cards and readers, so hoping to stick with that ecosystem if possible.

Christopher Young January 26th, 2023 02:11 AM

Re: Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280?
Like you, I have a number of XQD cards along with the readers that Sony supplied with the cards in the early day. I've got SxS cards from way back, along with Sony's SxS SBAC-US30 card reader. It was expensive back then, but has proved bulletproof so far. Incidentally, it works fine with the XQD cards in the SxS-XQD adapters, which is how I use it with the SxS card cameras. Saves having to mount and remount XQD cards in the adapters each time. Suggestion, if you see a used SxS card reader going for a reasonable price, grab it. Getting XQD cards in and out of the XQD adapters is a bit fiddly.

Chris Young

David Anderson March 8th, 2023 11:15 PM

Re: Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280?

Where did you get the XQD adapter from?




Originally Posted by Jeff Wallace (Post 1968784)
Hi all, I'm late to the game here and just purchased a z280 yesterday and am experiencing SxS card sticker shock. I ordered a QXD adapter which will take a month to arrive, so in the meantime I'd like to find an SDHC card solution, just so I can start test recording footage.

I have a couple of older SxS -> SDHC card adapters I've been using with my Ex1 for years and they work great. My question is:
- Can I use this same adapter with a compatible SDHC card in the z280?
- Which SDHC cards are compatible?

I couldn't find any specs online.

p.s., I will eventually get a SxS pro card for critical projects, but for now I just want a temp solution so I can get up and running.

Christopher Young March 9th, 2023 08:34 AM

Re: Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280?
I know someone who bought two new ones from AliExpress. They look like absolute clones of my Sony ones bar the label. He's been using them for about six months now and they are both functioning fine. They look as well made as my Sony ones. A couple of outfits are listing them on AliExpress if you hunt for them

Chris Young


David Anderson March 9th, 2023 03:00 PM

Re: Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280?
I was one that bought it off Ali Express and compared it with the original. They are similar but not exact. Functionally they do the same thing and I've also experienced no issues. I noticed the prices went up! I think I paid 35 bucks for mine when I bought it.

I wish Sony would update the cameras to use CF Express cards.




Originally Posted by Christopher Young (Post 1968957)
I know someone who bought two new ones from AliExpress. They look like absolute clones of my Sony ones bar the label. He's been using them for about six months now and they are both functioning fine. They look as well made as my Sony ones. A couple of outfits are listing them on AliExpress if you hunt for them

Chris Young


Tom Van den Berghe August 6th, 2023 08:06 AM

Re: Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280?
I also bought a QDA-EX1 from aliexpress and it worked without problems with a sony XQD 240GB.
Only did some testing, not long recordings

Andrew Smith April 5th, 2024 03:34 PM

Re: Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280?
Doug, will a XQD adapter and card be fine for a PMW300 that you are aware of?


PS. It's just crazy that Sony don't bring down the pricing for their SxS memory cards after all this time. Possibly such a minor item for them in the scheme of things.

Doug Jensen April 5th, 2024 05:08 PM

Re: Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280?
Andrew, I honestly don't know and wouldn't even want to take a guess. There are so many possible combinations of adapters, cards, and codecs that I wouldn't trust anyone's advice (including my own) unless I had tested it myself with my own combination. Sorry I don't have a better answer.

Doug Jensen April 5th, 2024 05:10 PM

Re: Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280?
I just did a quick search on eBay and there do appear to be some pretty good deals on genuine SxS cards, and then you won't have to fart around with adapters.

Christopher Young April 7th, 2024 08:16 AM

Re: Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280?

Originally Posted by Andrew Smith (Post 1970483)
Doug, will a XQD adapter and card be fine for a PMW300 that you are aware of?


PS. It's just crazy that Sony don't bring down the pricing for their SxS memory cards after all this time. Possibly such a minor item for them in the scheme of things.

Andrew. I've used XQD card adapters, genuine and 3rd party, in a PMW-300 and the Z280s now for a number of years and never had a recording issue. Even with the last firmware upgrade that delivered XAVC-I and XAVC Long GOP for the 300. I still have a couple of FS7s doing sterling service, so it's nice to have one card system across all the cameras. For what it's worth, operationally, IMHO I can't tell the difference between using SxS cards or XQD in the 300 or a 280, so I think you would be pretty safe to so.

To me, for us in here in Oz it's a no-brainer. I have to pay A$915.00 (current special at Videocraft) for a Sony 128GB SxS-1 G1C High Speed Memory Card or A$349.00 for a Sony 120GB XQD G Series Memory Card. That's over two and a half times the price? I have a number of SxS cards but since getting the FS7s back when they came out I've just bought XQDs due to the fact I can use them in the 300 the 280 and the FS7s.

Chris Young

Andrew Smith April 8th, 2024 01:02 AM

Re: Realistic card options with the PXW-Z280?
Big thanks to Chris and Doug, I've got a 128G SxS card on its way.

Gotta love this place!


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