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Leonard Levy February 2nd, 2014 02:50 PM

XDCAM EX into FCPX or Premiere?
It used to be everyone I worked with used FCP 6 or 7 but now they're into FCP X and Premiere and I don't know how to guide them to get my files into their system. This sometimes becomes my problem when I offer my camera so I am looking for help.

Currently I have a client who is using FCP X 10.4.

I gave her files from the F3 ( same as EX) and she has had trouble getting them into FCPX. I still use FCP 7 so I don't know a thing about X. I also gave her - Log and Transfer 2.2 and should have included XDCAM Transfer 2.1 but might have still had the old Sony XDCAM Clip Browser 2.6 on my disk instead

At any rate she had some problems but didn't consult me me and ended up buying a software/HD converter called pavtube which she said seems to have bad audio. I don't know what that program did but it sounded messy to me.

So what's the basic method for converting SxS cards for use in FCPX (10.4)? I saw some software on a Sony site but it require a later version of X - 10.6 or 8 or something.

If we simply converted the files to XDCAM MOV's using XDVCAM Browser or the newer Content Browser wouldn't FCP-X just import the files with no problem?

By the way what's the method for Premiere while we're at it?

Bo Skelmose February 2nd, 2014 03:18 PM

Re: XDCAM EX into FCPX or Premiere?
In Premiere Right click in project window, choose import - one click on the folder and choose import folder.
Windows version.

Leonard Levy February 2nd, 2014 09:32 PM

Re: XDCAM EX into FCPX or Premiere?
Bo, Will that work from the SxS card directly or do you need to have unwrapped them into quicktime files first?

Les Wilson February 3rd, 2014 08:33 AM

Re: XDCAM EX into FCPX or Premiere?
After looking into it, I abandoned going to FCP X. However, from what I could tell, Sony does now have an FCP X Import plugin for XDCAM.

Bo Skelmose February 3rd, 2014 10:38 AM

Re: XDCAM EX into FCPX or Premiere?
Premiere take the files as they are - you can import the BAPV folder directly from the SxS card or copy it to another place, like a media drive, and import from there. Premiere just look at the files so if you want to backup the files on the SxS card you have to copy the BAPV folder elsewhere.

Alister Chapman February 8th, 2014 02:54 AM

Re: XDCAM EX into FCPX or Premiere?
For FCP-X you need to use Content Browser and it's "Import to FCP" function.

Harry Christensen February 8th, 2014 09:38 AM

Re: XDCAM EX into FCPX or Premiere?
I am using Final Cut X 10.1.1 and Apple provides (as does Sony) a clean way to import XDCAM EX files into the library using the built in import function. I do copy the BPAV folder into a separate drive to have all original footage available if needed. It is simple and seamless. The updates came through about a week after Apple pushed out 10.1.1 in a background update. I wasn't aware of it until I noticed it in my list of past updates.

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