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-   -   Bets device for quality? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-xdcam-ex-pro-handhelds/498364-bets-device-quality.html)

Kent Beeson July 12th, 2011 12:41 PM

Bets device for quality?
I want to shoot best quality especially for some ultra slomo (using MOTION Optical Flow in post) and thought either the ATOMOS Samurai ( The Samurai - HDMI ProRes HD/SD-SDI Recorder ) or this BM device would help to that end - Blackmagic Design: HyperDeck Shuttle Tech Specs

Which is best for shooting with my EX1R and would I have to compress the footage to Pro res before editing in FCP 7 if I shot using the Black Magic device? Is it true the higher the bit rate (100-220 or so) will make ultra slomo far easier/cleaner/better than if just shot at EX1R's normal bit rate?


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