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-   -   XDCAM Browser 1.1 Simple Bug Still Not Fixed. (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-xdcam-ex-pro-handhelds/490826-xdcam-browser-1-1-simple-bug-still-not-fixed.html)

Daniel Goyette January 27th, 2011 10:46 PM

XDCAM Browser 1.1 Simple Bug Still Not Fixed.
Yesterday i found the new version of XDCAM Browser version 1.1 was available from Sony UK.
Downloaded and installed and try-it again : the Playback button still not work but J-K-L Work.
Also the playback function using the menu option on the menu bar is working well as before.

For reference this is my hardware and workflow in short terms so anybody may try-it:
Mac Pro Dual Quad Core Intel CPU - 16 GB Ram - ATI 5870 HD Graphic Card.
Sony PMW-EX 1 XDCAM EX with the latest firmware 1.20 , all SxS reformated.

Try to copy SxS cards using the old XDCAM EX CLIP BROWSER 2.60 all work perfect.
Try to rewrap using XDCAM TRANSFER 2.12 all work very well as it as allways be.
Try to copy SxS cards using XDCAM BROWSER 1.1 copy work well exept the playback button.

So the new release may fix or add features but cant fix the should be easy to fix playback button.
Mac OS X 10.6.6 and only Final Cut Studio 2009, Logic Studio 2009 and iLife 2009 + Toast 10 installed.
As proud as i can be to support Sony and think this fix should be so simple and keys feedback faster.

Daniel Goyette January 31st, 2011 09:07 PM

I have do playback of a few clips with clip browser version 1.1 and they play at twice the speed But play at normal speed with xdcam ex clip browser 2.6, play also normally in xdcam transfer 2.12.

Kent Beeson February 1st, 2011 12:30 PM

I'm trying to use the new XDcam Browser and wondered how can I choose to make the clip into an mov file and send it to right folder for FCP? With XDcam Xfer this was easy - how to do it with new Browser 1.1?

Daniel Goyette April 22nd, 2011 07:17 AM

Re: XDCAM Browser 1.1 Simple Bug Still Not Fixed.
Sony release XDCAM Browser 1.2.1 et all my bugs are now fixed , Thank-you Sony :
Sony of Canada: E-Support

Jim Snow April 24th, 2011 11:22 AM

Re: XDCAM Browser 1.1 Simple Bug Still Not Fixed.

Originally Posted by Kent Beeson (Post 1613549)
I'm trying to use the new XDcam Browser and wondered how can I choose to make the clip into an mov file and send it to right folder for FCP? With XDcam Xfer this was easy - how to do it with new Browser 1.1?

Sony has a separate clip browser for use on a Mac. You will not get any usable clips out of the PC version of clip browser for use on a Mac. Many don't accept that until they collapse in exhaustion from trying. ;-)

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