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Phil Hanna September 30th, 2010 02:05 PM

Can you go from Mac to SxS card?
I have just completed a very long shooting and editing session and now have a beautiful 8 minute video for Big Brothers/Big Sisters that will play at a fundraiser next Tuesday. I don't have a BluRay recorder and they don't have a player for the show and plan on playing a SD DVD from a laptop through a projector. The finished product looks so good, I hate to show it in SD. I was wondering if you knew of a way to transfer the video from my Mac onto my EX-1 SxS card? If I can do this, I should be able to use the camera to play the video in HD for the group. Thanks in advance for your responses.


Andy Wilkinson September 30th, 2010 02:13 PM

You know that you can (easily) export out of your FCP timeline to a XDCAM EX 1080p 35Mbps VBR file, right?

Luben Izov September 30th, 2010 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Phil Hanna (Post 1574436)
I have just completed a very long shooting and editing session and now have a beautiful 8 minute video for Big Brothers/Big Sisters that will play at a fundraiser next Tuesday. I don't have a BluRay recorder and they don't have a player for the show and plan on playing a SD DVD from a laptop through a projector. The finished product looks so good, I hate to show it in SD. I was wondering if you knew of a way to transfer the video from my Mac onto my EX-1 SxS card? If I can do this, I should be able to use the camera to play the video in HD for the group. Thanks in advance for your responses.


If you have and use Toast (the link below) you would be able to recored up to 20min of HD material on standard DVD. Hope this helps

Toast10 HD/BD Plug-in - Overview

Phil Hanna September 30th, 2010 03:19 PM

Thanks Everyone
I will give that a shot. I have not tried the export concept. How do I get it onto the sxs card?


Craig Seeman September 30th, 2010 04:15 PM

Why do you need it on an SxS card?

BTW FCP 7 can export HD to DVD disc just as Toast but it must be played on a Blu-ray player that can play those kinds of discs and not all can.

Why not just do a good H.264 encode?
You can copy to an SD card or maybe a USB "thumb" drive and then copy it to their laptop's hard drive.

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