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-   -   Any EX users live in Arizona? (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-xdcam-ex-pro-handhelds/473303-any-ex-users-live-arizona.html)

Eddie Coates February 21st, 2010 08:06 AM

Any EX users live in Arizona?
I was wondering if there are any EX1, EX3 users in Phoenix, Arizona?

Jay Allen February 22nd, 2010 07:37 AM

EX3 owner
Yes, I own an EX3 and I am in Scottsdale.

Israel Hyman February 22nd, 2010 09:30 AM

I'm here too. I'm in Mesa, and I shoot with an EX1.

Robert Turchick February 22nd, 2010 09:52 AM

I'm doing a shoot tonight with Liz Scott who is bringing her EX1

Dave Morrison February 22nd, 2010 11:11 AM

Hi Izzy, welcome aboard!

Israel Hyman February 22nd, 2010 01:51 PM

Thanks for the welcome! :-)

I've been visiting this forum here and there, and I've even posted a couple times, but it's time I jump in and get a little more involved.

There's great stuff here! I'm looking forward to seeing what I can contribute.

Dave Morrison February 22nd, 2010 04:05 PM

I've been watching your tutorials almost from the beginning, but loss of employment kept me from buying into the premium service. Oh well....good to see you here.

Eddie Coates February 22nd, 2010 07:21 PM

The reason I am asking is because i am looking for someone who knows these cameras in and out to teach me how to use it right.

I am in Tempe, AZ and willing to pay someone to show how to use this camera to its fullest potential.

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