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Annen James January 25th, 2010 10:43 PM

Best Wide Angle for EX1
Thinking of going with 16x9's .6. Am I going to lose a lot of quality. Filming sports up close. Thanks for any input!

Kelly Langerak January 28th, 2010 11:27 AM

I'm looking for the best wide angle adapter for the EX1r. Any suggestions?

Dave Morrison January 28th, 2010 12:36 PM

I have the Century .6 and I've been fairly pleased with it. I'm really curious to know how you like the 16x9 if you get one. My only reservations about the Century are the curvature of straight lines and the need for absolutely spotless lens surfaces. ANY dust you have on any of the lens surfaces will be way too easy to see IF the sun strikes the surface of the glass. Just my $0.02.

Matt Davis January 29th, 2010 09:08 AM

Edge to edge sharpness, zero chromatic aberration and no distortion? Without spending $25k? Nope.

EX1 lens suffers distortion when wide as it stands, and any wangle will simply enhance that.

Looked at the 16x9 and red-eye, but found the Century on a good offer at a trade expo. I believe all at this level will be around the same. Have a couple of other Century lens adaptors and have been happy with them.

The Century x0.6 makes for a great effects lens and it's small enough to have in your pocket all the time. It will fit inside a few matte boxes too (it does in my Genus). With a bit of practice it's easy to whip off the lens shade and whack on the wangle, switch out of manual, switch on Macro and switch the Autofocus to Manual, push AF button and you're set.

Only one or two short shots from the wangle combo will make it into my productions, so cannot make a business case to switch to EX3 and buy $12k fujinon yet, but if you want your horizons and your architecture straight, whatever the cost, that's the way to go. Unless you get a Canon and a tilt-shift lens.

Tried the 0.75 adaptors, and most of the time you can step back 12" and get the same effect. A colleague swears by them and leaves his on most of the time. It is, undeniably, a better quality than the 0.6 adaptors, but it's not wide enough for me and I'll trade that wide look for a little bit of quality.

And yes, keep it spotless. I filmed a smoker driving his car, lots of shots tarnished by bits of cig-ash inexorably sucked towards lens. Way it goes...

Dave Morrison January 29th, 2010 09:38 AM

Matt, which Genus do you have? I've been wanting to get one but have held off because of concerns about mounting the mattebox when the WA adapter is in place. Does the Genus attach itself to the outside of the Century or does it screw into the thread? That French Flag could solve my dust problems too as it would shade the glass surface from stray rays of light.

Matt Davis January 29th, 2010 09:43 AM

It's this one: True Lens Services - got mine with French flag and filter pack but not the bars.

I bought it specifically because it's a push fit to the Century 0.6 adaptor and (with the adaptor ring supplied which does screw in) the base lens. It's a wide angle matte box, and specifically works with the Century.

The truth be told - I rarely use it at the moment. Interviewees don't like it, lots of autocue work recently, and interior shots don't really need it. Looking outside right now, if I needed to shoot exts, I would slap it on. Mandatory for the 0.6 in sunlight.

Dave Morrison January 29th, 2010 11:02 PM

Matt, is it this particular one:

Genus Wide Angle matte Box

I was wondering if the rails are an absolute necessity with this box?

Matt Davis January 30th, 2010 06:40 AM

Yes, that's the one.

I don't use rails/bars. Yet. Just the screw in adaptor ring for the lens as-is, and by removing the 'donut', it will slip over the Century and you tighten the clamp screw as necessary. But I'm not ruling the rails out completely.

Annen James February 1st, 2010 09:08 AM

Went with the 16x9.

So am I suppose to use the Macro focus and Full Manual Focus? Any other settings or suggestions on basic use? Thanks!

Matt Davis February 1st, 2010 09:45 AM

If it is like the Century, you have to rely on Macro focus to get sharp results. That means you have to switch out of Full Manual and use the Quasi-manual setting with Macro enabled. That means the image is in focus at a setting other than Infinity.

So: lens ring to auto, focus to manual, macro to on.

Other than the cardinal sin of setting the lens to 'autofocus' rather than 'manual assist', it's pretty bulletproof.

Annen James February 1st, 2010 01:06 PM

What about leaving on the IR filter with the wide angle?

Matt Davis February 1st, 2010 01:10 PM

Haven't got one yet, but if it's a 4x4 T1, it will work.

Dean Sensui February 1st, 2010 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Matt Daviss (Post 1478924)
Tried the 0.75 adaptors, and most of the time you can step back 12" and get the same effect.

True. But I'm on a boat when I need it most. And another 12" puts me outside where there's no place to stand. :-)

I have my Sony WA adapter on full-time and haven't found any appreciable reduction in image quality. There is the other problem of not being able to reach out as far on the tele end with the WA adapter in place, but that's seldom a problem for the kind of shooting I usually do.

It's a good idea to take the WA adapter off routinely and clean the rear element of the WA adapter as well as the primary objective of the camera's lens to clear off any haze that might build up.

Jonathan Bland February 21st, 2010 01:10 AM

Does anyone have anything to say in comparing these:

Century Precision Optics
0HD-06WA-EX1 0.6x Wide Angle Adapter Lens

16x9 Inc.
169-HDWA6X-EX EXII 0.6x Wide Angle Converter Lens

BWA06X86B-EX1 0.6x Broadcast Wide Angle Adapter Lens

I don't really care about zoom through.... I just to have nice clean wides.

I seem to remember reading somewhere the After Affects can reduce some of the bowing/ curving.... anyone know about this?

Also does any have any recommendations on a hood?

Big thanks!

Boyd Ostroff February 21st, 2010 09:16 AM

Any .6x wide adaptor is going to give you a lot of barrel distortion I'm afraid. The EX1 lens all by itself has quite a bit on the wide end, and an adaptor lens will make it worse. Here are some tests that I did with the Century .75x - I'd expect the distortion to be even more extreme on a .6x. I have the .6x Century lens for my Z1 and it has pretty severe distortion. http://www.dvinfo.net/forum/attachme...distortion.jpg

Mitchell Lewis February 21st, 2010 11:01 AM

I screwed up and bought the Century .75 adapter. While the image looks fine in my opinion, the difference is very small. In hindsight I should have bought the .6. But I didn't buy it because it's not a zoom through adapter....right? In hindsight, that wouldn't have mattered. Anyone wanna trade?

Jonathan Bland February 21st, 2010 01:59 PM

Hey Boyd, Thanks for the note :)
For sure there is going to be distortion..... I guess I'm thinking that one has to decide if it motivates or just what one CAN do to use this effect. I think I've decide it will work well for what I'm going after.

That's funny Mitchell.... from the posts I've combed through it seems most want to go in the opposite direction your headed so maybe you can find a trade.

Boyd Ostroff February 21st, 2010 02:11 PM

I have come to the conclusion that if I really want a nice, undistorted wide for my EX1, I'm going to need a 35mm adaptor. I have a Nikon 14mm f2 lens which is really nice. But I don't think I'm quite ready to deal with all the issues (and cost) of a 35mm adaptor at this point.

Jonathan Bland February 21st, 2010 02:47 PM

Fully agreed Boyd.

My original question still stands.... does can anyone comment on which 0.6X wide angle they would go with and why?

sony ex1 0.6x

Mitchell Lewis February 21st, 2010 07:41 PM

Remember if you go with a 35mm adaptor, you loose a lot of light. This is fine if you're shooting outdoors, but indoors is a pain. To get a decent depth of field (something other than wide open) you need a lot of light.

I'd buy a Canon 5D MkII and a 16-35mm zoom before I'd buy a 35mm adaptor. (don't ask how I know)

Jonathan Bland February 25th, 2010 01:48 PM

Hi Folks,

I'm getting ready to order a 0.6X Wide Angle for the EX1 and am thinking of going with 16x9 Inc.
16x9 Inc. | 169-HDWA6X-EX EXII 0.6x Wide Angle | 169-HDWA6X-EX

Does anyone know the outside diameter of this adaptor?
I mailed B&H and they are suggesting the:
16x9 Inc. 169HU104 Lens Hood Shade.... but it's $170 and that seems a little much when you have all the Cavisions ones going for much less. My old Cavision hood was well made and stood up to everything thrown at it..... but it's a million miles from me now.

Again... what the outside diameter of the 16x9 Inc's 0.6x wide angle for the EX1?

Big thanks :)

Tom Hardwick February 25th, 2010 02:51 PM

I'm with Mitchell - if I bother to carry and fit a wide converter / adapter I want it to be good and wide, not a mild 0.8x that costs a bomb and weighs a ton. I'm prepared to accept that I'll be down to 60% of my zoom range.

Have you seen this 16:9 lens in action Jonathan? My strong hunch is that you'll be given oodles of barrel distortion which you'll love on the skateboard but hate in the cathedral.

You'll want a 16:9 hood (the aspect ratio, not the manufacturer). All the Cavision hoods I've seen are 4:3. Of course you'll be shooting with the equivalent of a 19 mm lens, so you won't be able to have much hooding anyway. You'll be relying on the element's super multi-coating. And this 0.6x is SMC, is it? I can find no mention in the words.


Tom Hardwick February 25th, 2010 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Matt Daviss (Post 1478924)
Edge to edge sharpness, zero chromatic aberration and no distortion? Without spending $25k? Nope. EX1 lens suffers distortion when wide as it stands, and any wangle will simply enhance that

I agree with your first sentence and the first part of your second Matt, but you don't have to accept an increase in the barrel distortion - not if you use a powerful aspherical element. My Z1 barrels quite unacceptably (in my view) at the wide end, but my 0.52x aspheric cures that.


Jonathan Bland February 25th, 2010 03:06 PM

Good points all around Tom.

No I haven't seen the lens in action.
As far as those straight cathedrals go... I'm lens a doc in a country where everything is bent, crooked, corrupted, dilapidated and covered is a heavy fecal coliform bacterial soot..... I'm hoping the 0.6 will help take this right over the edge.... but I need one that is sharp at full wide with zero or almost zero vignetting.

Any other thought greatly appreciated :)

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