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Kevin Spahr November 9th, 2009 06:29 PM

Tiffen T1 IR Filter Picture Profile?
Currently I have three of my color profiles set to a dialed-in (preset) color temperatures so I can quickly switch between incandescent (3200K), fluorescent (4100K), and a sunlight (5600K) settings for times when I can't do a real white balance. So I thought it would be nice if I had three additional profiles to match my existing profiles except that they would compensate for when I have my Tiffen T1 filter on my camera.

I suspect the best way to do this would be with a good color chart and some scopes to create a new profile under each type of light source. Would adjusting the "Offset White" do the job or would the "Color Matrix" need to be adjusted to create the profiles? Anybody try this yet?

I don't have proper color charts or proper scopes or I'd experiment with this idea, but might know someone that does have the proper equipment so I'd like to know how to make these profiles.

It would be even better if Tiffen could create a set of profiles that could be used to offset the coloration cause by the filter.

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