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Mike Chandler August 3rd, 2009 11:21 AM

Log & Transfer beats XDCAM transfer hands down
I had been questioning why Apple was saying fcp7 reads the xdcam files natively, when it still needs to create movs, but in any case, something's changed , because when I compared the two about six months ago, Log & Transfer was about 1/3 slower than XDCAM transfer, and now it's about twice as fast. I logged 40 clips totalling 56 minutes of footage off a hard drive:

Log & Transfer: 6 mins.
XDCAM Transfer: 13 mins.

Coupled with the fact that with L&T you can now keep the original file name along with a new custom name, and there's no contest.

Craig Seeman August 3rd, 2009 12:50 PM

Yes, it seems Log & Transfer has it's own set of features now that XDCAM transfer doesn't.

Andrew Stone August 12th, 2009 10:04 PM

Interesting. It looks like you have unearthed the reality behind Apple's claim that it now deals with XDCAM files more efficiently in FCP 7.

With all the bellyaching about this upgrade being so lean in improvements, it appears EX1/3 users have a legitimate reason to upgrade.

Scott Howard August 13th, 2009 08:01 AM

Can you elaborate a bit more on the file naming? That's one of my biggest bottlenecks in the workflow. Thanks.

Mitchell Lewis August 15th, 2009 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Scott Howard (Post 1217082)
Can you elaborate a bit more on the file naming? That's one of my biggest bottlenecks in the workflow. Thanks.

Me too.

I'm hoping that you can use the original file names as well as a custom file name. This way, if my clips get deleted from a Final Cut Pro project, I can restore them from my BPAV archive and they will instantly link up to the project. As opposed to my current workflow where I rename all my clips and the original BPAV file names are lost. Relinking would be a time consuming process (luckily I haven't had to do it....yet)

Mike Chandler August 17th, 2009 06:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It's not as streamlined as your hoping for, Mitch, but still much better. You can now keep the original name alongside your new name (with ascending shot number), which is a big improvement over XDCAM transfer at this point. You can add spacers so you don't have to see the orig name in your fcp column or timeline. And you can , of course, relink to your mov files if things go offline, since they're named the same.

But since the old name is part of the new name (see pix), you can't do an auto-relink if your mov files are gone. You can, though, cut and paste the old name (e.g., 04090308_01) in Spotlight, it will come up in the search results, and if you turn off Matched Reel and Name, you can relink to the orig mp4. (Though if your mov file has been deleted, you'll be able to view the orig mp4 in fcp, but there won't be a corresponding mov file anymore!)

I was most interested in at least having a way to get back somehow to the original shot. In XDCT, you can cut and paste the old name in the Comment Column and it will show up in FCP's Logging column ,which I'd prefer, but that takes too long now compared to L&T. Bottom line: it would still be time-consuming if you'd have to relink, though at least you can find your files now.

Mitchell Lewis August 19th, 2009 07:24 AM

Thanks Mike for a great description. Like you say, it sounds better but it's still not perfect. Thanks. (needs to collect a few more pennies so he can buy FCP 7)

Greg Chisholm August 19th, 2009 07:41 AM

Are you guys suggesting using L&T as a substitute for XDCT with FCP7? I tried to transfer clips this way in FCP7 and i got a warning about incorrect file structure.

So just so I can be clear... Are you creating MOV'S with XDCT then using L&T to get better logging info, or just eliminating XDCT altogether?

excuse my confusion


Brett OBourke August 20th, 2009 03:36 PM

Who says the new Log and Transfer FCP plug-in only works with Final Cut 7?

The Sony EX mirco site - from whence I just downloaded, installed (FCP 6.0.6), and used Log and Transfer with much better ease and success than clip browser - says "Works with Apple Tiger /Leopard Operating System (Mac OS X Ver10.4.11 or later) also requires FCP 6.03 or later."

Dig it: Sony | Micro Site - XDCAM EX

No need to save your pennies, you can have it now for free. Or am I missing something?


Craig Seeman August 20th, 2009 03:54 PM

Log & Transfer works with earlier version of FCP as you note
There are changes in Log & Transfer in FCP7 which better handles naming of clips yet keeping the information needed so that relinking is easier.

Mike Chandler August 23rd, 2009 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Greg Chisholm (Post 1242255)
Are you guys suggesting using L&T as a substitute for XDCT with FCP7? I tried to transfer clips this way in FCP7 and i got a warning about incorrect file structure... Are you creating MOV'S with XDCT then using L&T to get better logging info, or just eliminating XDCT altogether?


Use L&T instead of XDCT, at least until it's upgraded with new naming capabilities. L&T will create your movs. Sometimes you get that warning when you're not on the right folder, and sometimes it will say it while it's still loading clips.

Or you may still have to download the L&T plugin from Sony to get L&T to work right:
Sony | Micro Site - XDCAM EX

Craig Terott August 24th, 2009 09:08 PM

I tried L&T a while back. Combining sub clips was a PIA. Will the new L&T combine sub clips during transfer like XDCT does so effortlessly?

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