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Darek Sepiolo July 13th, 2009 07:51 PM

Red halo on tele
I've got this strange red halo once I'm using telephoto. Have you noticed anything like that on your lens? How to avid this or correct in post? See the link below for the sample.
Thank you


Serena Steuart July 13th, 2009 08:30 PM

That image contains portions of two frames -- right? The lens does show chromatic aberration at full tele, although I experience it on the edges of the frame and not in the centre region. There isn't much to be done unless your lens is faulty.

Darek Sepiolo July 13th, 2009 09:35 PM

Yes, there are portions of two frames. I was shooting with 2 cameras and got the same results. I thought it may be sth with the settings but if you say it's just the characteristic of the lens than I must accept it's not a perfect camera.

Leonard Levy July 13th, 2009 10:06 PM

I've also experienced pretty bad chromatic aberration at full Tele.
Much as I love my EX-1 it is hobbled by weird problems. Why in the world did Sony give us a lens that stops down to f16 but is unusable from f8. Likewise, why not limit the zoom to a length that works instead of giving us Chromatic aberration at full Tele.

Serena Steuart July 14th, 2009 06:33 AM

You have to credit Fujinon for the lens.

Darek Sepiolo July 14th, 2009 12:54 PM

Thank you for your opinions.

I've been looking for a plug in for FCP that may correct this problem but havent found anything.

Leonard Levy July 14th, 2009 02:42 PM

If you find a plug in let us know. I've never heard of one for chromatic aberration, but who knows.
Serena - Fujinon may have manufactured it, but Sony decided it was good enough to market, so I think the blame lies with Sony. Its hard to believe they wouldn't have seen these problems in testing.

Dave Morrison July 16th, 2009 03:01 PM

In my still photography, I use the CA correction in Photoshop when working on my RAW (.NEF) files. I wish they'd come up with something in the new version of Final Cut.

Eva Sturm July 16th, 2009 05:31 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Darek Sepiolo (Post 1171697)
Thank you for your opinions.

I've been looking for a plug in for FCP that may correct this problem but havent found anything.

Darek, I use Magic Bullet Looks to do CA correction of the EX1-Teleshots. I brings some relief, see attached pics (Image2.jpg on the right hand side is with CA correction. The shot is a bit blurry due to warm air mixing with cold air above the snow...).

Rgds, Eva

Arnt Mollan July 17th, 2009 01:14 AM

I have the same problem on my macro shots, and I solve the problem this way: If you have a Secondery Colourcorrection in your NLE, you can in most cases isolate the CA colour. Often the CA have a colour that stands off the rest of the picture. Mark the CA with the eyedropper, and finetune the mask. Then back off the saturation or change it to the colour you want with Hue, or other colour adjustments.
Secondery Colourcorrection is a powerful tool.
Hope this helps.

Darek Sepiolo July 19th, 2009 10:45 AM

Thank you Eva and Arnt. I've been trying to isolate the CA and adjust it with my 3-way CC in FCP and it helps a bit in fact.

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