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Ron Wilk June 16th, 2009 10:43 AM

EX3, Arri MMB-1 and follow focus

I am considering the purchase of the Arri MMB-1 matte box with follow-focus for my EX3 with VFGadgets shoulder mount, base plate attachment and have several questions for those of you that may have some experience with this combination:

1. Does the follow focus impede access to the manual iris wheel?
2. How practical is this setup, assuming use of support rods, for handheld use?

Thank you in advance.

Jason Davenport June 16th, 2009 03:13 PM

2 Attachment(s)
The wheel can be tilted, which may help. I have the CAVISION follow focus and I can get to the iris, no problem. As for hand held, you will want to add some kind of handgrips, the lens holding position is still too close to body. Because, you will be adding weight to the front with a follow focus and matte box, so more front heavy. Plus the VFGadgets adds weight as well. Unless you add 3 pounds or more behind your shoulder, and not sticking out a ridiculous amount, the camera will always be front heavy. You can also clamp a zoom control to handgrips for control. Use carbon fiber rods for weight reduction if possible.

Here is my set up. *Fuji Wide Angle lens on.

Ron Wilk June 16th, 2009 08:15 PM

Arri MMB-1 and Follow Focus

Thank you so much for your reply and photos. I did have some concern about the added weight but I am glad to hear that the follow focus does not impede access to the iris. I will take your advice and look into hand grips.

BTW: I am intrigued by your interesting shoulder mount and support legs. Is it a commercially available setup or of your own design?

Jason Davenport June 16th, 2009 08:49 PM

All my stuff is from CAVISION, I just added the blue pads with Velcro attachments. Also the VFgadget plate and rod adapter. The boxes that come with wireless box attachment, I didn't like so just made a softbag to hold it.
Cavision Matte Box Configurations for Sony EX3

Best price on matte box and follow focus you can find, and all works fine.

Ron Wilk June 17th, 2009 08:16 AM


Thank you for the explanation.
I notice that you are using the VFgadgets rod adapter on the VF plate but are you using the Cavision rods ... they seem to come only as part of their rod adapter and plate?

In addition, there is a significant difference in cost between the Cavision and the Arri or its competitors, an appealing feature, have you been happy with the Cavision setup?

Jason Davenport June 17th, 2009 10:17 AM

Been very happy with their stuff. I used to have the Cavision rod support before the VF plate. I just lost that and used the carbon rods on the VF plate. Matte box can be adjusted up or down to fit. I think the Arri only works with their rod support, doesn't look adjustable. As for price the matte box was around $590.00. Arri stuff is nice but way over priced. The only thing that's technical is a follow focus and can understand a higher price for such an item. A matte box is just a glorified sunshade. It fits fine, hold filters, rotates, has french flag and side doors available, you don't need to throw $3900.00 at that that. IMO And you can order everything in pieces if you want.
Talk to Jason at Cavision he will be happy to help and give prices. jason@cavision.com
Just tell him Jason from Dallas sent you. That's my camera on their website. I don't work for them, they have good stuff at a reasonable price.

Ron Wilk June 17th, 2009 12:20 PM

Matte box
I agree with your sentiments vis-a-vis the seemingly unjustifiable prices for some matte boxes.

I will give Jason a call but I have one other question before I pull the trigger. What are your thoughts on the Redrock equivalent setup?

Jason Davenport June 17th, 2009 06:28 PM

Be either or with me on the matte box, looks ok as well, and prices are nice. Haven't seen up close.
The Cavision shoulder mount has a lot more adjustment options though. And I wouldn't think you could get Redrock's handgrips tight enough, to not slip. No teeth anywhere. Cavision has rosettes at every joint. I'd go with their (cavision) follow focus.

Ron Wilk June 17th, 2009 09:24 PM

Thanks again for your suggestions.

Ron Wilk June 20th, 2009 03:03 PM

Cavision Matte box

Originally Posted by Jason Davenport (Post 1159451)
All my stuff is from CAVISION, I just added the blue pads with Velcro attachments. Also the VFgadget plate and rod adapter. The boxes that come with wireless box attachment, I didn't like so just made a softbag to hold it.
Cavision Matte Box Configurations for Sony EX3

Best price on matte box and follow focus you can find, and all works fine.

Hello Jason:
Just two further questions in regards to the matte box and VFGadgets configuration:
1. Did you encounter any lens centering issues with the VFGadgets adapter and Cavision matte box combination?
2. I noticed that the Cavision carbon fiber rods do not pass through the VFGadgets rod adapter. A previous conversation with David of VF revealed that the Chinese carbon fiber rods may not meet his level of tolerance and that they may require some sanding to make them usable. Has this been your experience and if so, had you considered using alternate rods (i.e. Zacuto aluminium)?

BTW, the Cavision grips and shoulder pad made a huge difference when using the EX3 in hand held mode.
Thank you in advance

Jason Davenport June 20th, 2009 08:45 PM

Lens fits fine no issue. Exactly, as for your rods all you need to do is use some sandpaper to make them a hair skinnier. That's what I did. Worked fine, sands very easy. Just wipe down with damp rag when done. Carbons are fine, no need for aluminum.
Another thing that helps is getting the 60mm (long) hand grip extensions, helps bring down your arms a little more.
Also make some pads for the shoulder mount, it will be that much better.

They also have an option, If you have to handhold that sucker for 12 hours. Its a mono pod thingy that rests on your waist to help that front weight.

FYI with the VF adapter rod holder makes the EX-3's lens height the same as a full size camera, so no need for that riser box for prompters.

Ron Wilk June 21st, 2009 10:57 AM

Cavision and EX3
Once again, I wish to thank you for your suggestions.

Since I am new to the EX3, I have begun to notice something that I had not encountered with my last camera (JVC HD-250U) and that is, a crawling or scintillating type artifact that tends to occasionally appear on straight (vertical or horizontal) edges regardless of the lighting conditions. I have been shooting full manual at 1080P 30 with a shutter of 1/60. Have you ever encountered this phenomena and if so, is there a method of resolution?

Jason Davenport June 21st, 2009 09:53 PM

Your Welcome.

Not sure I know what you mean. I have seen wavy lines, but that was do to florescents that produced a "out of sync" look. stobey wavy lines traveling down screen. I forget what it is but it's just the flows.

Ron Wilk June 22nd, 2009 12:59 PM

Zebra-like Artifact
It isn't a wavy line issue and there certainly were no florescent lights in the scene, in fact, the scene was lit with a combination of available light and incandescents. I have only encountered this phenomena on objects with perfectly straight lines (i.e. large picture frames, fence, etc.) and what I have seen can perhaps best be described as a scintillating effect on some part of that vertical or horizontal surface ... almost has the same appearance, but to a lesser degree, as the zebra pattern that we use for exposure determination.

Jason Davenport June 22nd, 2009 05:54 PM

Maybe this is what your talking about.
Rolling shutter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ron Wilk June 22nd, 2009 09:46 PM

Image artifact

Originally Posted by Jason Davenport (Post 1162070)
Maybe this is what your talking about.
Rolling shutter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Given the nature of rolling shutter, I don't think that it's responsible for what I have been trying to describe since the precipitating elements were not present but thank you for the thought and time you have invested in trying to answer my question.

On another note, I have not yet purchased a matte box but am seriously considering the Cavision and will probably make that purchase in the next few days.

Thanks again.

Jason Davenport June 22nd, 2009 11:06 PM

Sorry not getting it. Need to see it. Check the Picture Profile topics at top of page, and try some new settings.
Good Luck, any more questions just let me know. J

Ron Wilk June 23rd, 2009 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Jason Davenport (Post 1162168)
Sorry not getting it. Need to see it. Check the Picture Profile topics at top of page, and try some new settings.
Good Luck, any more questions just let me know. J

It was suggested that I try lowering the "detail" setting. Since this might indeed be the problem I will give it a try.

Andrew Stone June 26th, 2009 11:20 AM


If you haven't checked out the Redrock Micro mattebox, you should. It's in your price range and many that have it think the bang for the buck is the best out there for matteboxes.

The ARRI setup is very nice but the rig you were talking about with follow focus (as I am sure you know) is in the $3500 USD range.

Ron Wilk June 27th, 2009 10:53 AM

Matte Box

Originally Posted by Andrew Stone (Post 1163890)

If you haven't checked out the Redrock Micro mattebox, you should. It's in your price range and many that have it think the bang for the buck is the best out there for matteboxes.

The ARRI setup is very nice but the rig you were talking about with follow focus (as I am sure you know) is in the $3500 USD range.

Thank you for the suggestion but I had already decided against the RedRock MicroMatte primarily due to the weight factor (>2lbs). In addition, I agree that the Arri is an expensive piece of equipment whose cost/function ratio I could not personally justify and as a result I have purchased the Cavision Matte Box, Flags, etc. It is less than half the weight of the RedRock and performs the same function as the Arri but perhaps without it's panache. For the time being, I will forgo a Follow Focus but should I decide in favor of one in the future I will consider the Zacuto.

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