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Ron Wilk June 22nd, 2009 09:46 PM

Image artifact

Originally Posted by Jason Davenport (Post 1162070)
Maybe this is what your talking about.
Rolling shutter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Given the nature of rolling shutter, I don't think that it's responsible for what I have been trying to describe since the precipitating elements were not present but thank you for the thought and time you have invested in trying to answer my question.

On another note, I have not yet purchased a matte box but am seriously considering the Cavision and will probably make that purchase in the next few days.

Thanks again.

Jason Davenport June 22nd, 2009 11:06 PM

Sorry not getting it. Need to see it. Check the Picture Profile topics at top of page, and try some new settings.
Good Luck, any more questions just let me know. J

Ron Wilk June 23rd, 2009 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Jason Davenport (Post 1162168)
Sorry not getting it. Need to see it. Check the Picture Profile topics at top of page, and try some new settings.
Good Luck, any more questions just let me know. J

It was suggested that I try lowering the "detail" setting. Since this might indeed be the problem I will give it a try.

Andrew Stone June 26th, 2009 11:20 AM


If you haven't checked out the Redrock Micro mattebox, you should. It's in your price range and many that have it think the bang for the buck is the best out there for matteboxes.

The ARRI setup is very nice but the rig you were talking about with follow focus (as I am sure you know) is in the $3500 USD range.

Ron Wilk June 27th, 2009 10:53 AM

Matte Box

Originally Posted by Andrew Stone (Post 1163890)

If you haven't checked out the Redrock Micro mattebox, you should. It's in your price range and many that have it think the bang for the buck is the best out there for matteboxes.

The ARRI setup is very nice but the rig you were talking about with follow focus (as I am sure you know) is in the $3500 USD range.

Thank you for the suggestion but I had already decided against the RedRock MicroMatte primarily due to the weight factor (>2lbs). In addition, I agree that the Arri is an expensive piece of equipment whose cost/function ratio I could not personally justify and as a result I have purchased the Cavision Matte Box, Flags, etc. It is less than half the weight of the RedRock and performs the same function as the Arri but perhaps without it's panache. For the time being, I will forgo a Follow Focus but should I decide in favor of one in the future I will consider the Zacuto.

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