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Ofer Levy May 26th, 2009 05:32 AM

EX3+Flsh XDR+Nikon 600mm lens combo - sample clip
Hi all,

Here is a sample video I got with the above combo a few months ago.
This was filmed from about 30 meters.
The Nikon lens was mounted on the EX3 using Mike Tapa's Nikon to EX3 adaptor. MTF Services Ltd

Convergent Design, experts in HDMI, SD, HD, and HDV

Scroll down to "Nature Australia".

Any comments are greatly appreciated.


Ofer Levy
Ofer Levy Photography

Bob Willis May 26th, 2009 09:09 AM

no sample clip.

Ofer Levy May 26th, 2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Willis (Post 1148445)
no sample clip.

Hi Bob,

If you scroll down on the Flash XDR product page you will see the "sample video" - mine is called "nature Australia." Its a huge file so you will have to download it before viewing.


Steve Benjamin May 26th, 2009 10:47 AM

After 2 and a half hours downloading it timed out, can you not upload it to vimeo or exposure room?

Ofer Levy May 26th, 2009 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Steve Benjamin (Post 1148490)
After 2 and a half hours downloading it timed out, can you not upload it to vimeo or exposure room?

Hi Steve,

As you can see it is a sample clip for the Flash XDR - it has to be the original quality for this purpose.

I will upload many more resized clips on my website soon.


Ofer Levy
Ofer Levy Photography

Jan Boersma May 26th, 2009 03:55 PM

Downloaded Clip,
but Quicktime/VLC/Final Cut Pro are unable to display the footage,
(codec: 1080p24 100Mbit 4:2:2 LG, Integer)
any suggestions?

Kind regards,

Jan Boersma

Ofer Levy May 26th, 2009 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jan Boersma (Post 1148652)
Downloaded Clip,
but Quicktime/VLC/Final Cut Pro are unable to display the footage,
(codec: 1080p24 100Mbit 4:2:2 LG, Integer)
any suggestions?

Kind regards,

Jan Boersma

Hi Jan,

On the Convergent-design website it says that in order to view the clip
you will need Final Cut Pro 6.04 or better to play the Quicktime files on a MAC or the Sony MXF Player to play the MXF files on a PC.



Alastair Traill May 26th, 2009 09:27 PM

I have downloaded the clip and I have FCP 6.04 but I am having trouble importing the clip to FCP. Help would be appreciated.


Ofer Levy May 27th, 2009 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Alastair Traill (Post 1148819)
I have downloaded the clip and I have FCP 6.04 but I am having trouble importing the clip to FCP. Help would be appreciated.


Hi Alister,
Sorry about that. I have also downloaded the clip to my Macbook pro and played it with no problems. I got the 6.05 version of FCP though.



Mike Tapa May 27th, 2009 02:23 AM

Hi Ofer.

I did get to download it in the end.
Imported it to FCP and it works.

At 100% on a 23" Apple cinema display it looks great.
How far away from the subject were you?

Ofer Levy May 27th, 2009 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Mike Tapa (Post 1148915)
Hi Ofer.

I did get to download it in the end.
Imported it to FCP and it works.

At 100% on a 23" Apple cinema display it looks great.
How far away from the subject were you?

That's great Mike! Looked like no one manages to view it.....)-:

I was 30 meters away from the birds.



Piotr Wozniacki May 27th, 2009 02:59 AM


Just to let you know that on my 50" plasma (watched from just 1m distance), the clip looks absolutely marvellous!

Cannot wait for my NanoFlash :)

BTW. Ofer, it'd be nice if you re-focused from the duck to the water in the background for a couple of seconds - just to see how the codec handles those random movements and reflections, but with sharp edges...

Ofer Levy May 27th, 2009 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Piotr Wozniacki (Post 1148925)

Just to let you know that on my 50" plasma (watched from just 1m distance), the clip looks absolutely marvellous!

Cannot wait for my NanoFlash :)

BTW. Ofer, it'd be nice if you re-focused from the duck to the water in the background for a couple of seconds - just to see how the codec handles those random movements and reflections, but with sharp edges...

Hi Piotr,

Thank you for letting me know! That's really great!
I actually did a lot of wildlife filming lately and got some nice slow motion of birds in flight. Even without the Flash XDR the footage from the EX3 looks awesome.
Will upload some clips on my website soon,

Ofer Levy
Ofer Levy Photography

Andrew Davies May 27th, 2009 04:25 AM

How much of an improvement was there using the Flash XDR at 100MBS if the XDCAM codec is "awesome"?

Piotr Wozniacki May 27th, 2009 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by Andrew Davies (Post 1148952)
How much of an improvement was there using the Flash XDR at 100MBS if the XDCAM codec is "awesome"?

utterly awesome?


Apologies for being ironic, but:

- CD's output is 4:2:2 at 50 / 100 long GOP (or even 160 I-frame), so a lot of potential "improvement"!

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