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Tim Polster April 18th, 2009 09:17 AM

Help with Clip Browser 2.5

I have recently aquired an EX-1 and am using the Clip Browser to transfer my files.

I was wondering if somebody could help me with some settings or ways to transfer the files.

1). I often don't need metadata. Is there a way to end up with just the video footage on my hard drives? When I transfer a long shoot there a lot of folders and I have to dig around just find the video to input into my NLE. Seems overly complicated.

2). I use Edius. Is there a reason to use mpeg-4 or MXF?

3). If MXF, how to I make this conversion? I have some MXF setting set, but the file does not seem to be MXF on my hard drive.

Thanks for your help!

Craig Seeman April 18th, 2009 09:39 AM

In ClipBrowser
File/Export/MXF for NLEs

If Edius can use the MP4 you don't need to do the above.
Back up the ENTIRE BPAV folders though. Other NLEs may need them. You do NOT want to destroy the integrity of the camera masters.

Tim Polster April 18th, 2009 10:29 AM

I see now. Thanks.

So I need to/should have the folders involved?

I guess Edius does not need them but other NLE's do?

Ilya Spektor April 18th, 2009 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by Craig Seeman (Post 1108103)
In ClipBrowser
File/Export/MXF for NLEs

If Edius can use the MP4 you don't need to do the above.
Back up the ENTIRE BPAV folders though. Other NLEs may need them. You do NOT want to destroy the integrity of the camera masters.

I use Newtek SpeedEDIT, which can work with .mp4 file created in EX-1. So, as Craig mentioned, back up Entire BPAV folders placing them into a parent folder with a meaningful name. Then, to simplify bringing them into your NLE, make a search within the parent folder for .mp4 files. Then copy only .mp4 files to another folder with a meaningful name onto a different drive - it will be, sort of, another backup. After that import .mp4 files into your NLE.

Just my 2 cents...

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