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Adam Reuter September 10th, 2008 01:05 PM

EX1 Airing Nationally
Hey everybody.

I just wanted everyone to know I heard (unconfirmed) that the EX1 was used during the Beijing Olympics this year for some behind the scenes segments.

If you'd like to see what the EX1 looks like over the air check out NBC this Sunday between 7 and 8pm eastern time. I was the second camera for a segment involving a 7-11 store. I can't really say much more then that but I was the camera for the straight on shot at the segment start and male talent holding the microphone towards the end.

Everything was shot in HQ 1080/60i mode. The other camera used for the segment was a Sony V1U.

Sorry, I can't post the footage here.

Ronn Kilby September 13th, 2008 12:24 PM

FWIW some b-roll I shot with the EX-1 aired last Sunday on Fox Sports. Brian Sipe coaching high school kids. Seemed to integrate well with the other footage.

Dan Chung September 14th, 2008 11:52 AM

Actually CCTV, the Chinese state broadcaster, got 30 EX-1's from the Sony pro dealer I use in Beijing to do just as you said. I was at the games shooting stills and saw EX-1's from time to time, although they were mostly doing interviews with Chinese athletes and spectators. Not sure if they used them for the international broadcasts.


Adam Reuter September 14th, 2008 04:10 PM

Very cool guys.


Did you shoot in the 720/60p mode of the EX1?

Ronn Kilby September 16th, 2008 09:57 AM

Hey Adam - 1080/30p

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