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Piotr Wozniacki August 11th, 2008 03:29 AM

Clip Browser 2.0 poor performance
Is it just me, or is the mxf re-wrapping process much slower in the new version of CB?

Last night I was converting some 1.5h of the music performance I shot earlier in the evening; this has been my first long project since the CB 2.0 arrival. Not only did re-wrapping take ages, but it slowed my PC down to a crawl with anything else, even though my quad CPU was only used in some 14%!

Yes, I know there is now the CRC (or whatever) verification option implemented, but this is only switchable for moving SxS content; I haven't found the way to switch it off for actual re-wrapping.

Can somebody tell me what (if anything) I'm missing with the Clip Browser configuration?

Paul Kellett August 11th, 2008 07:32 AM

I'm getting the same problem.
Quick with copying, slow with rewrapping.
I uninstalled and reinstalled Clip browser v1 and tried to rewrap some 720/50p and got the message "unspecified format" so i've come to the conclusion clip browser V2 is slower but more stable. I know what i'd rather have.
Also, i don't bother rewrapping with my laptop whilst on location, i just copy then use clip browser to look into the hard-drive to make sure files have copied ok, clip browser can't see the rewrapped files anyway.

Hopefully soon, vegas, which i use, will be able to use the native footage so all this rewrapping will be a thing of the past.


Piotr Wozniacki August 11th, 2008 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Kellett (Post 919143)
I uninstalled and reinstalled Clip browser v1 and tried to rewrap some 720/50p and got the message "unspecified format" so i've come to the conclusion clip browser V2 is slower but more stable. I know what i'd rather have.


It's only the very fist version of the CB that had this kind of problem; I can re-wrap everything (and fast) using the v1.01.

Like you, I'm a Vegas user - but it hasn't been made clear anywhere it's going to support the XDCAM EX MP4's natively, like PP CS3...

Paul Kellett August 11th, 2008 08:39 AM

Where can i get V1.01 ?
Everywhere i search for it on the net leads me to V2.
The disc i have that came with my EX1 is V1.
I've read somewhere,can remember where that vegas will get an update to pro 8 (c) which will allow use of EX native files.
I understand that the EX needs a firmware update to use the new sony hard-drive so maybe the vegas update will come then, for example for the same day wedding edits, ie, shoot on the EX with the hard-drive, plug hard-drive into laptop and edit instantly.
If sony doesn't update vegas then i think that will be a bummer.
I like vegas, i like the EX1, i think the workflow is almost perfect. With the vegas update it would be perfect in my opinion.


Ian Briscoe August 11th, 2008 09:05 AM

I just converted a 12m30s clip (1080/50i) to MXF using Clip Browser 2 - it took exactly 3 minutes so that's slightly better that 4x real time. This was from MP4s that had already been copied to a disk - NOT converting direct from camera - so yes there would be some additional overhead for the copying process.

Converting the same clip to AVI DV took 24m13s

I'm running XP on a quad core box.


Piotr Wozniacki August 11th, 2008 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Ian Briscoe (Post 919183)
I just converted a 12m30s clip (1080/50i) to MXF using Clip Browser 2 - it took exactly 3 minutes so that's slightly better that 4x real time.

I have observed the conversion time increasing MUCH more than proportionally with the clip size. Your re-wrapping time for a ca. 10 mins clip is realistic (same here), but when it comes to converting some 13GB one (like the clip I did last night, of course merged from several chunks by the Clip Browser), it can take as long as real time! Bummer.

This can only be explained by some poor memory management by CB; consistent with my observations of the whole system being unresponsive for as long as it was converting...

And BTW, I'm also talking re-wrapping from one fast SATA drive to another, even faster (RAID 0) !!!

Piotr Wozniacki August 11th, 2008 10:30 AM

Does anyone have the installation package for the previous Clip Browser (Windows) version? I can't find it anywhere, and didn't archive mine (the CD contains a not fully functional version 1.00). Please send me a link, or e-mail attachment!

Roger Akers August 11th, 2008 10:42 AM

What version comes with the EX 3? I've got that CD sitting in front of me, but have recently upgraded to 2.

Piotr Wozniacki August 11th, 2008 11:10 AM

I have just switched to my x64 Vista installation (on the same, dual-booting PC), and the 13GB clip has been re-wrapped to mxf in just 4 minutes by Clip Browser version - vs. 40 minutes with CB 2.0 under XP.

Sounds unbelievable? - I bet, but it's a hard fact. Certainly due to memory management - my system has 8GB of RAM, and under Vista it took as much as 4,3GB but the system never slowed down; while under XP it was only using some 1.3GB and the system was virtually frozen for those 40 minutes.

I'd install the CB 2.0 under Vista x64 for more direct comparison, but - not having the old version installation program - I just don;t want to do that as I'd have to uninstall it first!

Please, somebody send me the Clip Browser for Windows installation!

John Woo August 11th, 2008 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Piotr Wozniacki (Post 919218)
Does anyone have the installation package for the previous Clip Browser (Windows) version? I can't find it anywhere, and didn't archive mine (the CD contains a not fully functional version 1.00). Please send me a link, or e-mail attachment!

I have the older 1.1 version. I just checked it is 36Mb. How to sent to you? I don't think email can go through

John Woo August 11th, 2008 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by Piotr Wozniacki (Post 919227)
I have just switched to my x64 Vista installation (on the same, dual-booting PC), and the 13GB clip has been re-wrapped to mxf in just 4 minutes by Clip Browser version - vs. 40 minutes with CB 2.0 under XP.

Sounds unbelievable? - I bet, but it's a hard fact. Certainly due to memory management - my system has 8GB of RAM, and under Vista it took as much as 4,3GB but the system never slowed down; while under XP it was only using some 1.3GB and the system was virtually frozen for those 40 minutes.

I'd install the CB 2.0 under Vista x64 for more direct comparison, but - not having the old version installation program - I just don;t want to do that as I'd have to uninstall it first!

Please, somebody send me the Clip Browser for Windows installation!

The version I have is indeed Is there any site that I can upload for you guys to download? The file size is 36MB

Roger Akers August 11th, 2008 11:41 AM

What about this?

Both Versions

Piotr Wozniacki August 11th, 2008 11:55 AM

Only good for US citizens, I'm afraid.

John, I'll provide a link for you to upload the install soon, thank a lot!


Piotr Wozniacki August 11th, 2008 12:02 PM


please upload the install to:


password: Piotr

Thanks a lot!

PS. Actuallly, no password is required....

Paul Kellett August 11th, 2008 12:02 PM

Use this for sending big files. It's free !!
For sending big files you can use mailbigfile.com


You can send up to 100mb for free, unlimited use, or you can use the paid for version which costs just £10 for a year.
With the paid for version you can send up to 2gb and to multiple email addresses for multiple downloads.
I've got the paid version and use it all the time for sending footage about, much quicker than burning dvd's and posting etc.
Also footage doesn't get compressed anywhere along the line so if you send someone mxf files they get mxf files.
Try it, it's great. I've got the pro account.

Also can i have a copy of clip browser V1.1.
Please send to


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