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Simon Duncan June 12th, 2008 09:54 PM

Sony EX1 Clip browers
I have a sony ex1 and I am shooting a wedding in Australia.

I have an external hard drive and access to a new iMAC.

What do I need to be able to grab material off the EX1 and store onto my Hard Drive.

The iMAC I have access to doesn't have Final Cut Pro on it.


Gabriel Florit June 12th, 2008 10:04 PM

XDCAM Transfer software, and of course the SxS drivers. You can find them both on Sony websites.

Simon Duncan June 12th, 2008 10:12 PM

Error Initialisng Database
OK I have downloaded the Sony XDcam Transfer and the driver but when I attempt to run the app I get the following error message:

The application does not support the version of the offline database. The application supports version 7 databases but this is a version 8 database.

Any suggestions?

Gabriel Florit June 13th, 2008 03:06 AM

Odd. What version of XDCAM Transfer did you get? I'm running 2.7.0, on OS X Tiger. I didn't get any messages like that... can't help you, sorry!

David Chia June 13th, 2008 04:19 AM

try here: http://www.sony.ca/xdcamex/software.htm


Simon Duncan June 13th, 2008 05:06 AM

I have only just moved over to the Mac platform.

I understand how to uninstall programs on a window platform but how does one go about uninstalling XDCAM Transfer app on a Mac platform?


Craig Seeman June 13th, 2008 07:39 AM

You'd need Sony ClipBrowser and SxS driver.

XDCAM transfer softer converts to MOV. It will only show video with codec installed from Final Cut Pro 6.0.2 or higher.

You can also use Imagine Products ShotPut.

You can actually copy BPAV by hand but you REALLY have to know what you're doing.

Such as:

NEVER touch the contents of the BPAV

Paul Chiu June 13th, 2008 11:05 AM

Can you rename the BPAV as YYYYMMDD-BPAV on the directory tree?

Within each BPAV, you don't want to touch anything, but can't you rename the BPAV, say from your 8gb SxS to

2008-06-13-1245pm BPAV



Originally Posted by Craig Seeman (Post 892497)
You'd need Sony ClipBrowser and SxS driver.

XDCAM transfer softer converts to MOV. It will only show video with codec installed from Final Cut Pro 6.0.2 or higher.

You can also use Imagine Products ShotPut.

You can actually copy BPAV by hand but you REALLY have to know what you're doing.

Such as:

NEVER touch the contents of the BPAV

Craig Seeman June 13th, 2008 11:22 AM

Don't rename BPAV or XDCAM Transfer tool will not recognize it.
I suspect ClipBrowser may have issue also.

Create named folder and place BPAV in that. Separate named folder for each BPAV. ShotPut can be programed to do this.


Originally Posted by Paul Chiu (Post 892618)

Within each BPAV, you don't want to touch anything, but can't you rename the BPAV, say from your 8gb SxS to

2008-06-13-1245pm BPAV


Craig Seeman June 13th, 2008 11:26 AM

Clip Browser 2.0 Beta
Since the thread is Clip Browser related I'd thought I'd mention:

Juan Martinez from Sony talked about Clip Browser 2 briefly last night a Motion Picture Collective meeting in NYC.

It'll be out in July. It MIGHT run on PPC Mac in addition to Intel Mac and Windows.

It looks like it'll have to ability to encode/wrap to various formats including AVI and, I believe MOV (eliminating the necessity of the Xfer tool on Mac?).

It looks like it'll be able to create some form of low rez proxy with matching time code for offline/online conform.

Paul Chiu June 13th, 2008 11:38 AM

how about this then?
ok, so we should do this

2008-06-13 3pm top directory, then
place the BPAV directory onto it.

2008-06-13 4pm top directory, then the next
BPAV under that, ETC

will XDCAM transfer be smart enough to search for this or you pretty much have to point to it manually?


Originally Posted by Craig Seeman (Post 892633)
Don't rename BPAV or XDCAM Transfer tool will not recognize it.
I suspect ClipBrowser may have issue also.

Create named folder and place BPAV in that. Separate named folder for each BPAV. ShotPut can be programed to do this.

Craig Seeman June 13th, 2008 12:02 PM

You might need to use the XFER's Add function.

Might also try using the new FCP direct plugin Sony released.

Paul Chiu June 13th, 2008 12:20 PM

Craig, please provide link...
Please post link to this FCP direct plug-in for apple FCP.


Originally Posted by Craig Seeman (Post 892663)
You might need to use the XFER's Add function.

Might also try using the new FCP direct plugin Sony released.

Craig Seeman June 13th, 2008 12:34 PM

Done yesterday


Originally Posted by Paul Chiu (Post 892666)
Please post link to this FCP direct plug-in for apple FCP.

Simon Duncan June 13th, 2008 06:31 PM

OK I have managed to install xdcam transfer tool but when I launch the app the individual clips are loading but NO IMAGE AVAILABLE is written in each clip and I can,t import.

Any pointers?

I am about to video a wedding.
Like ah in 1 hour.


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