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Craig Seeman June 12th, 2008 07:14 AM

New Final Cut Pro XDCAM EX plugin from Sony

This shows up on the Canadian Sony site. It supposedly allows one to use FCP's Log and Transfer utility/interface rather than XDCAM Transfer Tool.

Is it showing up anywhere else?

Ned Soltz June 12th, 2008 07:21 AM

Haven't seen that yet. Will download later today and give it a try.



Craig Seeman June 12th, 2008 07:58 AM

Ironically the same link only has XDCAM Transfer 2.5.1 although 2.7 is available.

For those who keep track of Sony's odd product numbering system, the new plugin is PDZK-LT1

As noted in the docs, one must have FCP 6.0.3 whereas other utilities will work the FCP 6.0.2. I believe 6.0.3 happens with QT 7.4.5 (and obviously 7.5).

Ned Soltz June 12th, 2008 08:40 AM

Works perfectly

Andrew Hollister June 12th, 2008 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Craig Seeman (Post 891937)
Ironically the same link only has XDCAM Transfer 2.5.1 although 2.7 is available.

Its simple math really... that has to do with that damn metric system. You see:
Canada (weirdos that say 'eh') .5.1 =
US (totally awesome pricks) .7

Because Canadians multiply everything by 0.728571428571429

It really gets weird in the 7.1 Surround Sound world
Believe all that, I have an EX 9.3 to sell...

Barry J. Anwender June 12th, 2008 10:55 AM

Yes the plug-in does indeed work!

Ned Soltz June 12th, 2008 01:02 PM

Used to live in Toronto.... Was always disgusted with every form of Canadian protectionism. But you've got to love a country that has "Canadian content" laws but would count re-runs of Bonanza as Canadian content since Lorne Greene was from Ottawa!

Dave Morrison June 12th, 2008 06:02 PM

I'm thankful for the Canadian Content rule. Otherwise, I never would have been able to enjoy "Bob and Doug" in The Great White North...."take off, eh"

Barry J. Anwender June 12th, 2008 06:55 PM

Ned, your point brings back fond memories as a prairie farm boy and "stubble jumper". Used to love watching Bonanza after coming in from doing the choirs. And yes those "hosers" in the CRTC did bend the content rules, so we could watch Lorne Greene again and again and ... Gave me a mysterious appreciation for Greene's latter role as Adama in original Battle Star Galactica series. It's been so mysterious that I am forced to admit I am a sci-fi addict. How's that for being traumatized by Canadian Content :-)

Andrew Hollister June 12th, 2008 08:06 PM

Trying. to. put. lid. back. on. can. of. worms. he. opened.

But at least you have that Alanis Morrisette and Celine Dion.

Thomas Smet June 12th, 2008 08:10 PM

and real bacon... oops...

Craig Seeman June 13th, 2008 12:06 PM

Well now Canada can show any program originated anywhere with any actors as long as shot on EX and edited in FCP since one might assume they're all imported using Sony Canada's FCP Plugin.

Someone did post somewhere that it's up in China too though.

Does this make Canada and China the Sony EX software beta testers for Europe/USA?

Steve Cahill June 14th, 2008 07:06 PM

Card does not seem to mount in the Log & Transfer window, mounted on desktop just fine and XDCAM Transfer App see it and display clips, just fine, but no deal with the Plug-in for FCP got the latest versions. 6.03

Any ideas?

Ned Soltz June 14th, 2008 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Cahill (Post 893171)
Card does not seem to mount in the Log & Transfer window, mounted on desktop just fine and XDCAM Transfer App see it and display clips, just fine, but no deal with the Plug-in for FCP got the latest versions. 6.03

Any ideas?

Make certain card is mounted. Then use the buttons on the log and transfer window to find the card. I had to do that on one occasion.


Steve Cahill June 15th, 2008 05:19 AM

Card is mounted on desktop. I navigate to the card via the Log and Transfer window, just will not see it.

Where does your plug-in get installed in the OS when you did the install? I need to check to see if it is even getting installed, it said it had a successful install.

I have previous installed the application called "ShotPut" @ http://www.imagineproducts.com/ShotPut_EXpress.html

I wonder if it is stepping on the plug-in? This is all on my MAC 10.5.3

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