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-   Sony XDCAM EX Pro Handhelds (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-xdcam-ex-pro-handhelds/)
-   -   New Final Cut Pro XDCAM EX plugin from Sony (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-xdcam-ex-pro-handhelds/123595-new-final-cut-pro-xdcam-ex-plugin-sony.html)

Ned Soltz June 15th, 2008 07:08 AM

I'm using Shotput Express as well. No problems with recognizing the card in Log and Transfer.

Perhaps you might want to try reinstalling the plugin.

Steve Cahill June 15th, 2008 07:30 AM

4th time re-installed no luck Can you tell me where your plug-in is going and what the name of the Plug-in is.

Barry J. Anwender June 15th, 2008 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Steve Cahill (Post 893291)
Where does your plug-in get installed in the OS when you did the install? I need to check to see if it is even getting installed, it said it had a successful install. This is all on my MAC 10.5.3

Steve check to see if plug-in is located as follows:

Title Sony XDCAM EX Log and Transfer Plug-in

DefaultLocation /Library/Application Support/ProApps/MIO/RAD/Plugins

I am working on a MacPro (Early 2008) 3.2Ghz Octo, 16GB memory, Leo 10.5.3, FCP 6.0.3

Remember that as per Sony's requirements, you need FCP 6.0.3 for this to work. I installed and it works first time around. Check the documentation that came with plug-in to make sure you are using the proper steps to start and use the plug-in.

MacOS X does NOT require one to reinstall software again - that is a WinDoze thing. Cheers!

Steve Cahill June 15th, 2008 07:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Plugins folder:


Applications support

Final Cut Pro System Support


See the attached screen grab, Jpeg of my plug-in's. Anything look similar to your plugins:
I see the SonyImportPlugin.bundle with a date of July 6, 2006. Looks like this could be it but the date looks wrong.

Barry J. Anwender June 15th, 2008 08:01 AM

Steve, I notice that your SonyExportPlugin.bundle and the Sony ImportPlugin.bundle are dated Jul6, 2006.

You are working with an outdated version of the Sony XDCAM Transfer application.
You need to install version 2.7.0 (387) dated May 9, 2008, verify in the "Get Info" pane. Correct this and then give the Log & Transfer plug-in a go.

Make sure to check and see that the Log & Transfer plug-in is in the location I provided above. That path came from the plug-in installer package and it checks out on my system. This plug-in is an executable that works with XDCAM Transfer application, hence the latter needs to be up to date.

I am off to work now, but I will check in this afternoon to see if you got this to work. Good Luck!

Steve Cahill June 15th, 2008 08:32 AM

Got the DefaultLocation /Library/Application Support/ProApps/MIO/RAD/Plugins
that is there, good sign, install worked

The XDCAM transfer Application I have is 2.5.1 but need to find the version: 2.7.0 (387) dated May 9, 2008. Any pointers to a download site? One of the Sony sites downloads is down.

Thanks for your help!

Dave Morrison June 15th, 2008 09:52 AM

Here you go, Steve:

That might have gotten broken in the word wrap.


Steve Cahill June 15th, 2008 12:51 PM

Version 2.7.0 did the trick. Very slow to display the clips on this MAC 2.16 GHz intel Core Duo..

I think I am going to just use the XDCAM transfer tool instead.

Thank you for your help!

Barry J. Anwender June 15th, 2008 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Cahill (Post 893443)
Version 2.7.0 did the trick. Thank you for your help!

Steve, I was wondering about that 2.5.1 version over at Sony Canada's site. Now we know, and I'm not surprised. Glad to hear your finally got the new plug-in to work. Cheers!

Dave Morrison June 15th, 2008 03:31 PM

No problem, glad it helped.

Steve Cahill June 15th, 2008 04:49 PM

Sony needs to have auto updates notification, and one site for downloads,


One face towards the customer.

Thanks for your help.

Dave Morrison June 15th, 2008 05:06 PM

I agree, it's a mess. Given their world-wide presence, I can't figure out why they do it this way. This is my first Sony camcorder so I don't have any history with them. Have they always offered software and updates in such a piecemeal manner?

Steve Cahill June 15th, 2008 07:02 PM

Sony is a new player in the software distribution market. The different country groups are competing against themselves, and do not present themselves as one company "Sony". They obviously do NOT have a web and a software distribution strategy, like one place to download. Until they get this together they will remain to be multiple companies within the same company, within different geographies.

Let's hope they can work out their geography difference and present a single strategy and brand to their customers, this has to come from the top of the corporation from their CEO.

Dave Morrison June 15th, 2008 07:36 PM

One of the things that dawned on me ONLY after I had DL'd and installed one of the updaters from the UK site was what if this update was ONLY meant for the UK PAL system. I know it wouldn't do any harm, but there would be no guarantee that it would even have NTSC files in it. I guess the right hand DOESN'T know what the left hand is doing.

Barry J. Anwender June 15th, 2008 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Cahill (Post 893564)
Let's hope they can work out their geography difference and present a single strategy and brand to their customers, this has to come from the top of the corporation from their CEO.

Let's also hope they can do this with an international warranty. Then the playing field will be leveled and all concerned can focus on using the products in the field as they are intended. I guess Sony is learning how to crawl before it can walk with the rest of the hardware/software industry in a 21st century global village.

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