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Paul Cronin April 15th, 2008 08:19 AM

EX1 wide angle and Telephoto lens
I just received a shipping confirmation that my Schneider Optics wide angle and telephoto are shipped.

I will post a few stills and a short clip of each if anyone is interested?

Tom Hardwick April 15th, 2008 08:21 AM

Please do Paul. A simple perpendicular shot of your TV screen's surround at full wide is a great way to show if barrel distortion is a problem.

Paul Cronin April 15th, 2008 08:31 AM

Will do Tom I will post a few stills when they arrive.

Randy Strome April 15th, 2008 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Cronin (Post 860828)
I just received a shipping confirmation that my Schneider Optics wide angle and telephoto are shipped.

I will post a few stills and a short clip of each if anyone is interested?

More than interested Paul. Can't wait to hear your impressions.

Alexander Kubalsky April 15th, 2008 07:39 PM

Would love to see some stills too Paul. Thanks.

Jason Bodnar April 15th, 2008 10:57 PM

I would love to see two identical shots, one with stock lens full wide and one with wide angle adapter at full wide just to see real world difference. I have a Century Optics wide for my SD camera but that really needed it for sure... I think I want one for the EX as well but need to see a sample of the results first.


Paul Cronin April 16th, 2008 07:46 AM

The wide angle arrived late yesterday and I expect the telephoto today. I will be editing with a client most of the day so it will not be until tomorrow until I can post some stills.

My first impression is nice build quality from Schneider Optics. I would expect a high quality product having owned three lens adapters for my GL2, Z1, and A1’s. The WA came packaged in a box in the leather pouch with caps on both ends. To connect the lens it is the same as their other lens with the yellows dots and it locks in nice and smooth. I am pleased my Century sunshade with 4” x 4” filters fits great. The filter tray is ahead of the microphone so no problem changing filters while the sunshade is attached. Of course you could always set it up to come out from the bottom if a shot gum mic was being used and you needed the clearance.

I will set up both my EX1’s side by side tomorrow and shoot a few different clips so I can post close up and longer distance shots to compare. Sorry for the delay but work first.

More tomorrow Thursday

Paul Cronin April 17th, 2008 12:19 PM

Well I have results but I can not upload files. I am only trying to upload six .tif's that are 5.9mb but it fails if it is one ore 6 pictures at a time. So once they have the server fixed I will post results unless someone can show me how to solve this problem.

Also telephoto has arrived and I will do a few test with that today/tomorrow.

Paul Cronin April 17th, 2008 02:49 PM

I keep coming back and trying but no luck uploading.

Have I been shut off from uploading for some reason?

Dave Morrison April 17th, 2008 02:55 PM

Can you post .jpg's instead?

Alexander Kubalsky April 17th, 2008 05:08 PM

Don't know what the problem is but i hope its solvable. Cant wait to see some shots.

Jason Bodnar April 17th, 2008 05:14 PM

Yes, I can not wait either... Does the Century Sunshade mount with the WA in place? is there a pic of that has well?

Paul Cronin April 17th, 2008 05:49 PM

The sunshade fits fine with the WA. I tried .jpg and still fail to upload. Not sure what is happening to bad since the stills reveal a lot. I am sending my WA back since I can not grab focus on the outer edges. Maybe the guys are to busy at NAB and once they are back we can get this resolved.

I will check in the morning to see if there is input on how to solve this problem. I have been uploading for two years most an most of the time with out problems. All files are within the limits and they view fine on my MBP and PM.

With two quick test the telephoto looks fine.

Alexander Kubalsky April 17th, 2008 11:37 PM

Paul, So you are not happy with the Wide Angle Lens? What was the problem, Its blurred on the edges?

Paul Cronin April 18th, 2008 05:42 AM

Here is my test of the Century WA lens for the EX1.

I did a test this morning and thought the results were flawed then I did a second test this afternoon with the same results. The morning test was two cameras side by side with better background so I will post the results of that test. In the next post I will put the pictures from the afternoon test. All pictures are .tif right from FCP 6 to keep as much information as possible.

There are six pictures three with stock lens and three with wide angle from 12 feet, 24 feet, and 48 feet.

1080p 30P

I am focused on the left door in the middle of the wood. I did try the WA option in the menu but there was no change in the results.

I am very disappointed with the distortion of the WA. No matter how hard I tried I could not get the outside edges of the frame in focus. And at 12’ the distortion is huge just look at the upper left corner. I don’t know if I have a flawed unit or not. But why have a WA if you can’t use the whole frame. My lens is going back to the dealer.

This surprised me since my last three WA lens from Century were excellent

I have a email into Chris to try and solve the upload problem. Once that is solved I will post the 12 pictures from the two test.

Graeme Fullick April 18th, 2008 06:07 AM

Has anyone tried the 0.6X Century yet? I noticed that it was available on the B&H web site - in stock.


Paul Cronin April 18th, 2008 01:49 PM

I was able to get one jpg to upload the tif will still not go. I will keep trying for the 24' and 48' along with the shots with out WA.

Sorry I could only get the one file to go but you see the problem. And this is not random it is in all 6 clips which was on both cameras.

Bill Ravens April 18th, 2008 01:50 PM

I see a fair bit of CA.....not too pleasant.

Dave Morrison April 18th, 2008 01:54 PM

The upper lefthand corner makes me seasick! ;)

Eric Pascarelli April 18th, 2008 01:55 PM

I have to say that the shape and color of the distortion in the corners is pretty horrible.

Is that full wide?

Jason Bodnar April 18th, 2008 02:47 PM

I sure hope that is just a defective WA cause that looks very very bad...I have a Century WA on my SD camera right now and it looks great! I wanted one for the EX1 as well but if this was tested at released for shipping??? Bad news.

Paul Cronin April 18th, 2008 02:57 PM

I agree I hope this is a defective unit and not normal. My dealer is very slow getting back to me on a RA # which is not good news. I sent them pictures and they said they would talk with Century.
Yes Eric it is full wide. There is 20% of the outer edge of the frame that would not focus at any zoom or settings.

Paul Cronin April 19th, 2008 07:40 AM

Not sure how or why but I was able to upload the rest of the stills in jpg.

Hope this helps.

Tom Hardwick April 19th, 2008 07:47 AM

Not quite sure what we're seeing here Paul. All shot with the w/a in place and the camera moved? All shot at max w/a? All shot at f/4 or thereabouts?

I think it would be better to shoot something more 'test-chart' such as a brick wall or side of your house - that way barrel distortion would be more easily assessed and the CA inspected. The camera needs to be perfectly perpendicular to the wall of course.


Paul Cronin April 19th, 2008 09:17 AM

Tom this was posted earlier.

Here is my test of the Century WA lens for the EX1.

I did a test this morning and thought the results were flawed then I did a second test this afternoon with the same results. The morning test was two cameras side by side with better background so I will post the results of that test. In the next post I will put the pictures from the afternoon test. All pictures are .tif right from FCP 6 to keep as much information as possible.

There are six pictures three with stock lens and three with wide angle from 12 feet, 24 feet, and 48 feet all perpendicular to the wall with in inches.

1080p 30P

I am focused on the left door in the middle of the wood. I did try the WA option in the menu but there was no change in the results.

I am very disappointed with the distortion of the WA. No matter how hard I tried I could not get the outside edges of the frame in focus. And at 12’ the distortion is huge just look at the upper left corner. I don’t know if I have a flawed unit or not. But why have a WA if you can’t use the whole frame. My lens is going back to the dealer.

This surprised me since my last three WA lens from Century were excellent.

The lens is on the way back I do not need to do more test to prove it is not worth having in my bag. I prefer to do test in real world situations and we do some interviews in front of this building with boats set up behind.

Sorry I can't do more detail test but I am on the road for two weeks as of tomorrow.

Craig Hollenback April 20th, 2008 10:10 AM

That's a shame

Originally Posted by Paul Cronin (Post 863076)
I agree I hope this is a defective unit and not normal. My dealer is very slow getting back to me on a RA # which is not good news. I sent them pictures and they said they would talk with Century.
Yes Eric it is full wide. There is 20% of the outer edge of the frame that would not focus at any zoom or settings.

Paul. I have the Sony.8x WA and while it does introduce a slight overall curve to the image, it doesn't cause the riple effect of the Century Product. I only wish I could find a way to remove the built in sunshade.
I was really hoping to purchase the Century.6 as I own 3 of their other adapters, but not if the image quality is that bad. It's really unuseable.
Thanks for posting and good luck with your return.
Best, Craig

Paul Cronin April 20th, 2008 10:15 AM

Craig I would not base the .6x Century on my finding with my .7x Century. Also mine could just be a defect in the first run. I agree I have always had great success with the Century adapters so this was a real disappointment.

Steve Shovlar April 20th, 2008 11:04 AM

Can't belive the Century adaptor is that bad. They are normally excellent. Looks to me that something has gone seriously wrong because a WA released like that would detrimentally affect their business.

I also own the Sony EX1 WA and its great value for the oney, though perhaps not quite wide enough and the fixed on shade is a pain.

But it gives far better results than the Century, for a third of the money.

Get onto Century. I am sure they will sort it for you.

Paul Cronin April 20th, 2008 11:10 AM

I agree Century will sort it out and they will keep putting out a great product. I am not worried since I know they will send a RMA # along and as I said the telephoto is great with a fisheye coming.

Jason Bodnar April 20th, 2008 09:19 PM

Paul, I can't wait to see the fish eye...Please post when it arrives as that is on my list too. Did you go for the Extreme? or the cheaper version?

Paul Cronin April 21st, 2008 01:52 PM

Jason my dealer is telling me June for the fisheye but I will post when it arrives.

Jason Bodnar April 21st, 2008 03:29 PM

Thanks Paul. Did you order the Extreme (3500.00 MSRP) or the cheaper one?

Randy Strome April 21st, 2008 06:55 PM

Any thoughts on, or pictures from the 1.6X ?

Paul Cronin April 22nd, 2008 08:18 AM

Jason sorry for late reply I am on the road working long hours. I purchased the lower priced fisheye. The extreme is just that too extreme for my shooting. But if you are close I would bet it is great.

Randy the 1.6x for my first few test looked excellent. Sorry I do not have that footage with me and will not be able to post footage until after 4 May when i get back to me edit machine. But I am very pleased. It gives you full frame after 50% zoom. Nice and crisp.

Ryan Avery April 23rd, 2008 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Paul Cronin (Post 863028)
I was able to get one jpg to upload the tif will still not go. I will keep trying for the 24' and 48' along with the shots with out WA.

Sorry I could only get the one file to go but you see the problem. And this is not random it is in all 6 clips which was on both cameras.

This image is not consistent with anything that we have produced so far and is certainly outside of our typical tolerances. I would recommend that you send the lens back to us immediately for inspection and service. We have shipped many of these lenses without complaint. Speaking to reps from Sony at NAB, they have stated that they were quite pleased with the quality from our attachments for the EX1.

Ryan Avery
Schneider Optics

Jack Davis April 23rd, 2008 05:57 PM


helllllo!! This post has been going on for 9 days. If you were unable to see this coming, Century needs a new rep. Since Century doesn't post useable examples of their attachments in a timely manner, we have to rely on user samples. If these samples are well below even low consumer levels, professionals need to be very skeptical. I have a Century adaptor which is totally unusable.

Raymond Schlogel April 23rd, 2008 06:17 PM

Well I'm not that bitter but Ryan did say on February 19th after my request "I will attempt to post some shots from my lenses as soon as I can." Don't wanna bust your balls Ryan but I will say I'm a little disappointed.

A picture is worth a thousand words, seeing is believing, and various other assorted clichés .

- Ray

Paul Cronin April 24th, 2008 06:04 AM

Ryan I am having a problem with my dealer. He is not a sponsor so I can not post a name. You know who he is from emails we have exchanged. He is not getting me my RMA# saying Century is not getting it to him.

You are correct I have always had great success with your lens attachments and this is the first to give me problems. I will return and hold off on a second WA but keep my telephoto and look forward to the fisheye.

Jack Davis April 24th, 2008 07:46 AM

Raymond, I'm not bitter but like you disappointed in Schneider Optics. The adaptor I have from them is for a HVX200 and it is the .6. I know you get what you pay for, but this puppy has more barrel distortion than a fish eye. For the EX1 I made my own from a Bolex wide adaptor (in 35mm camera terms, a 16mm. No barrel distortion but a little soft on the edges.) The point is, it can be done and in this case from a piece of glass intended for an older film camera. With a name and reputation of Schneider Optics, you expect quality.

Tom Hardwick April 24th, 2008 08:10 AM

Sounds like you have a Bolex Aspheron like me Jack. I use mine on my Z1 and have made it bayonet fix following the contours of Sony's lens hood. It now snaps on and off in seconds. I guess you've had an 85 mm special mount made up to fit the HVX?

On my Z1 it matches the 17 mm focal length (horizontally) of my full frame SLR, with like you say - zero barrel but loads of perspective distortion. It's not madly sharp into the corners but if my clients are assessing corner resolution I've lost them. And at least door frames and bride's waists don't bulge outwards as I approach them.

I've put the point to Ryan before about this - that barrel distortion just looks so 'amateurish' and that an aspheric element is the cure, but he doesn't see a big enough market for the considerable R & D costs involved. Fair enough.

Oh, and the Aspheron won't work on the EX1, so my love for the look of the lens means that camera's crossed off my shopping list.


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