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Paul Cronin May 18th, 2008 08:07 AM

Tom that makes sense to me.

Bob Grant May 18th, 2008 08:48 AM

I suspect that setting may also affect the cameras CA correction. If that's so then it could have implications for any WA lens not made by Sony. Hope I'm wrong as 0.8 doesn't do it for me at all.

Dave Morrison May 18th, 2008 09:17 AM

I've gone through two of the three (or so) available DVD training disks on the EX1 but, so far, nobody has addressed the purpose of this setting. Based on things I've seen in the past, I believe it must affect the positioning of the lens or limit its' movement so that it can't exceed some predetermined setting.....but that's purely speculation on my part.

Randy Strome May 19th, 2008 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Cronin (Post 879048)
Wes the quality of the picture is not just the extra glass. I have had 1.6 tele for my A1's and Z1's and they were perfect. So this is a problem that does not work for me or my client base.

Hi Paul,

The 1.6x TC just proved to be too soft for your needs?

Paul Cronin May 19th, 2008 12:37 PM

Randy it was too soft and most of the time out of focus for the outer 1/3.

Randy Strome May 19th, 2008 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Cronin (Post 880026)
Randy it was too soft and most of the time out of focus for the outer 1/3.

Thanks Paul,

I received my 1.6 TC Century from Zacuto last week and have done two sets of tests with it. I also am dissapointed. I have to decide if I will keep it for when I am in a pinch, or just send it back.

I have owned teleconverters for still photograpghy (up to 2X) as well for video, and this one is the least impressive. Very soft, even by TC standards where some softening is expected.

I would really love to hear from Century here to see if there is work being done to refine the design or if this is the final product.

Sutton Yamanashi May 19th, 2008 11:49 PM

wide angle recommendations?
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but since this one is getting so much action... Would you all post of your good experiences and recommendations of a wide angle lens (including Sony's) for the EX1? From what I have found the biggest complaint about Sony's is the sun shade... but any positive feedback on this or other WA lenses would be greatly appreciated.


Tom Hardwick May 20th, 2008 01:05 AM

The message is pretty clear Sutton. Buy Sony's pretty feeble 0.8x with its attached hood or abandon the idea completely. The Fujinon doesn't take kindly to add-ons, and the Bolex Aspheron (0.52x) that I've used for many years on other cameras is unuseable on the EX1.

Ryan Avery May 22nd, 2008 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Randy Strome (Post 880242)
Thanks Paul,

I received my 1.6 TC Century from Zacuto last week and have done two sets of tests with it. I also am dissapointed. I have to decide if I will keep it for when I am in a pinch, or just send it back.

I have owned teleconverters for still photograpghy (up to 2X) as well for video, and this one is the least impressive. Very soft, even by TC standards where some softening is expected.

I would really love to hear from Century here to see if there is work being done to refine the design or if this is the final product.


This is the first I have heard of any issue with the EX1 and our 1.6x tele-converter. We have had this on documentaries and major feature films; all with positive feedback.

I would like to see some sample footage if possible.

Ryan Avery
Schneider Optics

David Elkins May 22nd, 2008 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ryan Avery (Post 881584)

I would like to see some sample footage if possible.

Ryan Avery
Schneider Optics

If you look further down this thread you will find still samples from Paul Cronin's tests with the tele. Completely unusable.

Ryan Avery May 22nd, 2008 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by David Elkins (Post 881750)
If you look further down this thread you will find still samples from Paul Cronin's tests with the tele. Completely unusable.

Again, this is anomoly. We have not experienced this with any other pieces that have left the factory. We have worked very hard to resolve Paul's issues with his camera.

Ryan Avery
Schneider Optics

Ryan Avery May 22nd, 2008 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Cronin (Post 876070)
David thank you very much for getting me in gear to do this test. I have been very busy and had not taken the time to do a proper test with the Century 1.6 telephoto on the EX1.

Well the results are not good. The lens has the same problem I had with the wide angle and it is so bad I have asked for a RA# for the lens.

I did three test at full zoom with and with out the lens.



Was this in auto focus or manual focus? Any other camera settings would be useful to know.

Ryan Avery
Schneider Optics

Ryan Avery May 22nd, 2008 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Cronin (Post 876070)
David thank you very much for getting me in gear to do this test. I have been very busy and had not taken the time to do a proper test with the Century 1.6 telephoto on the EX1.

Well the results are not good. The lens has the same problem I had with the wide angle and it is so bad I have asked for a RA# for the lens.

I did three test at full zoom with and with out the lens.


A careful examination of the "without" photo's show a marked drop in sharpness off axis. They also show noticeable color fringing. Adding attachments (even very high quality ones like the Century 1.6x) magnifies the aberrations present in the camera's built in lens and add some of their own.

The Century 1.6X is very high quality ,originally designed by David Grafton (who won an Oscar this year for his design work). During the development of accessories for the Panasonic HVX200 the 1.6X design was reviewed by Optical Research Associates, quite possibly the premier independent optical design group in the world, who said the design could not be improved.

Most customers using Tele-Attachments are interested in the central part of the image, and the shallow depth of field mixes with any off axis issues to the extent that the customer is satisfied with the results. We have sold 1000's of the 1.6x with very few complaints.

Ryan Avery
Schneider Optics

Doug Park May 22nd, 2008 10:55 PM

Any update on the vignetting issue with the .6x wide angle?

Paul Cronin May 23rd, 2008 05:46 AM

Ryan I tried both auto and manual. The pictures are with manual focus.

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