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Dennis Schmitz March 22nd, 2008 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by Graeme Fullick (Post 846603)
Great news Paul, I expected that it would work well.

On another note - do you ever intercut your HV20 footage with the EX1? Just wondering as I also have both of these, and haven't done it just yet. If you have I was wondering how the HV20 held up. I have been to busy to try it, but have been thinking they might look OK together in good light

Graeme, here is a comparison between EX1 (TC2, and my preset) and a HV20.


Paul Kendal March 23rd, 2008 06:18 AM

IR Filter in action!!
1 Attachment(s)
Here you go....a before and after shot using the IR 486 Filter.
Top is with no filter...bottom is with the 486 IR Filter.

Here is the link to the filter that I bought: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...=805&KBID=1062

Piotr Wozniacki March 23rd, 2008 06:39 AM

So Paul, is this a kind of filter that you can leave on the camera permanently, and put the stock lens hood over it?

Paul Kendal March 23rd, 2008 06:51 AM

YES....the lens hood fits over it just fine.
I plan on just leaving it on all the time.
I haven't noticed any problems with it so far.

Piotr Wozniacki March 23rd, 2008 07:10 AM

Good... I've just shot some indoor scenes where my daughter was wearing a dark-blue shirt; on the monitor it's magenta!

One thing still worries me, though: when using a 35mm adapter with different lenses, can it stay on the camera? Or will its reflecting IR rather than absorbing it be a problem?

Seun Osewa March 23rd, 2008 07:21 AM


Surely you're not relying on auto white balance?
And you're not using a ND filter indoors in low light?
And you're using enough light to eliminate the color noise?

I'm pretty sure it's a white balance problem because the color tint on the box corresponds to the color tint of the floor in each photo. There's a reason why pro cameras you allow you to set white balance manually, sir.

Paul Kellett March 23rd, 2008 07:34 AM

Anyone know where we can get these filters in the UK ?


Zenes Petrusin March 23rd, 2008 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Seun Osewa (Post 847023)

Surely you're not relying on auto white balance?
And you're not using a ND filter indoors in low light?
And you're using enough light to eliminate the color noise?

I'm pretty sure it's a white balance problem because the color tint on the box corresponds to the color tint of the floor in each photo. There's a reason why pro cameras you allow you to set white balance manually, sir.

Of course, all no, is IR contamination problem not wrong WB and not ND of course. Paul presented this can be resolve my problem with IR cut-off filter. HC3 is not pro and can change WB manually too :)

Sean Donnelly March 23rd, 2008 10:48 AM

Definitely IR, has nothing to do with WB, or any PP settings. Interestingly enough, this happens on two other CMOS cameras I've worked with recently which cost MUCH more (RED and VR Phantom HD). Haven't noticed it with the Arri D-20, but I'll be at CSC on Tuesday and I'll look at it for fun. According to RED, they use as strong of an IR filter as is appropriate, partly an engineering problem. 3-chip designs require a LOT of optical engineering, so it makes sense for sony to use as light of a filter as possible behind the lens.


Greg Voevodsky March 23rd, 2008 01:16 PM

A few quick tests with the 486...
First, I did point it at my remote and could see the IR light blinking. Then with the filter on, it removed it.

Second, I was shooting out my deck at 5600K at a pine tree. Adding the filter, quickly removed the warmth (from extra IR). You still had good reds and the rest of the colors, but there was absolutely extra red from IR. It was similar to the slight greenish look of Rayband sunglasses. NOTE - it also cuts UV too.

I did not see any increase in sharpness per say, but it did seem a tiny bit cleaner. I'm still waiting for a sunset and will give a before and after shots.

I will have my new laptop late next week, so I can finally offload and post footage and stills. Lastly the 486 comes with a nice lense cap too.

Steven Thomas March 23rd, 2008 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Kendal (Post 846996)
Here you go....a before and after shot using the IR 486 Filter.
Top is with no filter...bottom is with the 486 IR Filter.

Here is the link to the filter that I bought: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/produc...=805&KBID=1062

Thanks Paul.

Granted this is one shot and resized for the web, are you seeing a difference?

Paul Kendal March 23rd, 2008 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Steven Thomas (Post 847276)
Thanks Paul.

Granted this is one shot and resized for the web, are you seeing a difference?

YES....so far, it seams to solve the IR contamination problem without creating other problems in the process.

Steven Thomas March 23rd, 2008 06:30 PM

Thanks Paul.

Sami Sanpakkila March 28th, 2008 11:41 AM

3 Attachment(s)

Im using a Cokin ND P154 (ND8 - 0.9) in front of my Canon FD lens and Letus EX. I can see a weird brown/magenta tint on the picture.

First pic is with the Cokin ND and the 2nd is without. Notice the color of my portabrace bag in the third pic. It looks magenta/pink instead of dark blue that it is. And the little camera bag besides the portabrace is supposed to look pink.

I dont see any change in colour when I put the Cokin ND it in front of my eye. Is this the same IR problem discussed in this thread?


Sami Sanpakkila March 29th, 2008 09:28 AM

Anyone have an opinion?


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