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Phil Bloom December 2nd, 2007 05:58 PM

Hi Serena, it's not actually about flipping the image, it's about increasing the length of the optical path so the ex1 can focus in on the screen. it currently can't unless you have a lot of spacers, which I dont have enough of with me. Annoying as I have a massive Peli case with all my lenses, two brevis adaptors, marshall monitor and it's all useless!!

Oh...and the magnet trick doesn't work on the EX1

Phil Bloom December 2nd, 2007 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ray Bell (Post 785650)
Hi Phil, you know your going to get lots of interest here on this...

you might as well put a shoping list on your blog... for the rest of us :-)

did you get to check out the samples of tilt and shift pics that I added to
my original post ???

yeah. Can't wait for my hartblei. looks awesome!

so what do people want to know for this "shopping list"

Phil Bloom December 2nd, 2007 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jonas Nystrom (Post 785771)
Hi. Great camera work there! Lovely footage.

What Do you think about the Letus Extreme compared to the XL (which I use) or HD100?
You don't have any pic's on the camera set up, EX1 and the Letus Extreme? What is the weight?

do you mean the ex1 compare to the xl or hd100? I have used neither of these camera. I do have an hd 201 which i think is lovely. Both those cameras really need a relay to work with the the letus as they will be stupidly front heavy!!!

Chris Hurd December 2nd, 2007 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pavlos Symeon (Post 785654)
Hope this isn't much of a hassle to you so I will email you and if you could forward me the details about the equipment required for this setup...

Please, the idea behind this site is to engage in *public* discussions so that *everyone* may benefit -- please do not be selfish and ask for private replies by email -- instead please post and reply here in *public* for the benefit of *everybody* who is interested in this. Many thanks in advance.


Originally Posted by Ola Christoffersson (Post 785349)
"I have a 720p version that I have uploaded to the Dvi ftp server but just waiting on Chris Hurd to link it." Now - that I want to see! Where will we be able to find it once it´s linked?

Sorry for the delay. That link is http://www.dvinfo.net/media/sony/ex1_letus_720p.mp4 -- hope this helps,

Leonard Levy December 3rd, 2007 12:29 AM

Thanks for your great work and for posting so much info.
I've looked at the Ex-1 and was extremely impressed, but the one I looked at had the vignetting problem . This would be a non-issue on an adapter but I am concerned about pans along sky or flat surfaces so i am waiting to see what Sony does.

Couple of questions-

1. Does your camera have the vignette and does it bother you?

2. I bought a Letus (also have a Brevis and an SGPro Rev2) and the image on my HVX is pretty well offset to the right so you have to zoom in more than I would like. This is likely an HVX issue , but I don't have it so bad on other adapters.
How centered is it on your Letus on the EX?

3. One thing that bugged me on the EX was that there were not 2 presets for 3200 and 5600. Is there some solution to this?

All I could find was to quickly go into the menus when I wanted to switch the preset color temp but it was a drag. On the other hand it gave me total freedom to make that preset anything I wanted which could be very powerful.

Sean Seah December 3rd, 2007 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Phil Bloom (Post 786023)
yep fcp. Brevis will have to wait. I need a lot of spacers between the achromat and the adaptor. Dont have enought. Same problem i had with my F350. Letus doesnt have same problem and Brevis probably wont when it gets the flip. the optical path is way longer which is needed. The half inch chips make it harder to focus so close.

Thaz correct. My FX1 doesnt work well without spacers too and brevis folks have commented the flip module would solve this issue. Would be interesting to see the Letus EX and Brevis Flip trash it out with the EX1. Kudos to Phil for the great job here!

Jonas Nystrom December 3rd, 2007 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Phil Bloom (Post 786060)
do you mean the ex1 compare to the xl or hd100? I have used neither of these camera. I do have an hd 201 which i think is lovely. Both those cameras really need a relay to work with the the letus as they will be stupidly front heavy!!!

Sorry, maybe I was indistinct. I meant if you had any comments on the LetusExtreme adapter, compared to the LetusXL adapter (or LetusHD100).

Craig Seeman December 3rd, 2007 08:41 AM

If you look at this shoot of the woman at the table
The upper left of the frame grab looks like the vignette issue to me.


Originally Posted by Leonard Levy (Post 786201)
Does your camera have the vignette and does it bother you?

Jonas Nystrom December 3rd, 2007 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Craig Seeman (Post 786374)
If you look at this shoot of the woman at the table
The upper left of the frame grab looks like the vignette issue to me.

It shure is!

Piotr Wozniacki December 3rd, 2007 10:24 AM

It IS indeed; what's the still origin?

Also, judging from the noticeable barrel distorsion, it looks like a wide angle converter was used; can the author comment on this?

Craig Seeman December 3rd, 2007 10:32 AM

Phil Bloom posted it in this thread

Phil any thoughts on this?


Originally Posted by Piotr Wozniacki (Post 786434)
It IS indeed; what's the still origin?

Also, judging from the noticeable barrel distorsion, it looks like a wide angle converter was used; can the author comment on this?

Piotr Wozniacki December 3rd, 2007 10:55 AM

Thanks; I must have overlooked this:)

Frankly, the uppermost left image also seems to exhibit the vignetting in the upper left corner.

My worst premonitions I had when Paul first posted about the vignetting issue - that it probably is inherent, and affects all cameras - is becoming true... Holy s...t!

Craig Seeman December 3rd, 2007 11:06 AM

I don't want to turn this into a 2nd vignette thread so I'll continue discussion there.

Phil Bloom December 4th, 2007 03:42 PM

yeah, keep it in the vignette area.

It actually isn't a vignette. As I have the rushes and I know the lighting, It is a "lighting vignette" if you want. The spread of the light fell off there. It was at full wide with no wide angle adaptor.

Although I have since come across it using OIS at a certain focal length.

My website is down due to too much traffic but you can see the "Piccadilly Furs" short here: http://www.aerialsfilm.com/bloom/ex1%20letus%20720p.mp4

Matt Jeppsen December 4th, 2007 04:33 PM

Another mirror
With Philip's prior permission, here's another mirror of the clip.
It is indeed very striking work.

Edit: DOH. Mirror linkage fixed. My bad...

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