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Phil Bloom December 1st, 2007 03:19 PM

rails are a must. I use cinevate and also cavision

Steve Cahill December 1st, 2007 04:46 PM

Phil- have you tried the Brevis on the camera yet? If so any comments on the difference between the Letus and Brevis... Nice job, camera is really tack sharp!

Christopher Barry December 1st, 2007 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Barlow Elton (Post 785525)
Maybe he had to pay for that coffee in dollars. ;)

Now in 720p, I can laugh some more!

Raymond Schlogel December 1st, 2007 05:59 PM

Phil, love the footage, have watched it twenty times. I've never used a 35mm adapter and would love a little more info and advice. Though it's out of the budget at the moment your vid has made me bound and determined to get the Letus35 Extreme. What I'm hoping is that you can help me put together more or less a shopping list of what I'll need with it, adapters, lenses, etc. You mention you use Cinevate and Cavision rails, which one would you suggest I go with? And is there a particular model or any extras I'll need for the EX1? Also can you give me some specifics on the lenses you used. Keep in mind this is all Greek to me. Would love to see a pic of your rig!

Sorry for the slew of questions, just enamored with the look you've achieved.

- Ray

Phil Bloom December 1st, 2007 06:14 PM

I will be shooting stuff with the brevis over next two days. My problem is the ex1 monitor is so sharp you hardly need a monitor. But my brevis doesn't have the flip

thanks raymond. Drop me an email and I will let you know what u need

Ray Bell December 1st, 2007 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Phil Bloom (Post 785626)
I will be shooting stuff with the brevis over next two days. My problem is the ex1 monitor is so sharp you hardly need a monitor. But my brevis doesn't have the flip

thanks raymond. Drop me an email and I will let you know what u need

Hi Phil, you know your going to get lots of interest here on this...

you might as well put a shoping list on your blog... for the rest of us :-)

did you get to check out the samples of tilt and shift pics that I added to
my original post ???

Pavlos Symeon December 1st, 2007 07:30 PM

Great footage Phil, I am interested as Raymond is, into buying the letus extreme too an d I would appreciate your feedback as well. Hope this isn't much of a hassle to you so I will email you and if you could forward me the details about the equipment required for this setup I would greatly appreciate it.

Jason Bodnar December 1st, 2007 10:32 PM

Good call Ray! Phil, a shopping list for Letus and EX1 with Pics would be awsome on the blog when you have time... :)

Sean Seah December 1st, 2007 10:42 PM

great.. looking forward to the brevis footage. BTW, u r using FCP rite?

Jonas Nystrom December 2nd, 2007 05:58 AM

Hi. Great camera work there! Lovely footage.

What Do you think about the Letus Extreme compared to the XL (which I use) or HD100?
You don't have any pic's on the camera set up, EX1 and the Letus Extreme? What is the weight?

Steve Cahill December 2nd, 2007 08:30 AM

I was on the fence about which adapter, Brevis, or Letus, Called the Brevis folks and asked them when their flip would be available for shipping they stated in 2 weeks. I was going by Phil's 35mm shootout report ( well worth the read @ http://www.philipbloom.net/ note that the Letus is not included in the report) and thought the Brevis would offer a quick setup over the Letus, I have read the Letus attachment to the camera and adjustment screws is a bit awkward over @ http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/forumdisplay.php?f=113 also see the letus forum @ http://www.letusdirect.com/forum/ for more info about this. You have to give the Letus folks credit they were the first out with a Flip version. I am interested in Phil's report on the Brevis with the EX1 as he previously reported edge to edge sharpness issues with the HVX 200 which seems to be problematic with that camera with various users.

I placed a order with Brevis with the flip, and a XDCAM EX1 as well.
The EX1 is my replacement for the HVX200, (just following Phil's lead and agree with him). The 35mm adapters is a evolving technology in the DOF equation, and I am sure it will not be my last adapter, last camera, last computer as well along with the P&S mini I currently use. The equipment weight and travel leaves us looking for solutions that make it easier to capture images of high quality without the burden of heavy bulky equipment. My situation is I am a one person operation, lots of travel with the company I work for and the HVX200 was a solution for portability for travel in Europe and fit the clients needs for shooting and editing on location. Otherwise in the states, I use the XDCAM for production. I was dreaming that Sony would come out with a mini -XD camera system, (not liking all that data management with the cards). I guess it was, still is a dream.

Glad to hear Phil does not need a extra monitor and he was able to shoot in downtown London and hold focus with the EX1 lcd's monitor. Shooting with any of these adapters is really a challenge to keep focus never mind manage it . The DOF adapters can be a blessing and a curse, and Phil has demonstrated both slides.

Keep up the great work Phil!

Phil Bloom December 2nd, 2007 05:31 PM

8 Attachment(s)
I wanted to update my blog, but forgot to put ilife 08 on this macbook pro so until i get home on Wednesday I can't. But I will write about all the ups and downs.

In the meantime here are some screen grabs from today. All untouched from the camera and with no adaptor

Phil Bloom December 2nd, 2007 05:33 PM

8 Attachment(s)
last few grabs

Phil Bloom December 2nd, 2007 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Sean Seah (Post 785702)
great.. looking forward to the brevis footage. BTW, u r using FCP rite?

yep fcp. Brevis will have to wait. I need a lot of spacers between the achromat and the adaptor. Dont have enought. Same problem i had with my F350. Letus doesnt have same problem and Brevis probably wont when it gets the flip. the optical path is way longer which is needed. The half inch chips make it harder to focus so close.

Serena Steuart December 2nd, 2007 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Phil Bloom (Post 785626)
But my brevis doesn't have the flip

On the Z1 you can flip the LCD image using a magnet on the hinge of the LCD. I presume the same on the EX. Of course that is then a mirror image, but at least right way up.

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