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Phil Bloom April 2nd, 2008 01:43 PM

Sorry Mark, I forgot to thank you on blog for your photos!

Phil Bloom April 2nd, 2008 01:58 PM

actually did you see it all? I had the wrong file embedded and it was only half the length it should be!

Mark Dawson April 2nd, 2008 02:13 PM

Only half Phil but was it great!

Raymond Schlogel April 2nd, 2008 02:51 PM

Hm, the Quicktime on your blog for some reason is real choppy playback for me and the link to Vimeo takes me to a "
Ooops! Sorry, this page could not be found!". Still the first 5 seconds looked great even choppy!

- Ray

PS Tracked it down on Vimeo but it says "Uploading".

Phil Bloom April 2nd, 2008 02:56 PM

That's odd Ray. It should play smooth. I have fixed the Vimeo link but it won't show up yet as it has to finish uploading and then convert it. The file is almost half a gig

Weird about the choppiness though! Persevere if you can. It's worth it!

Raymond Schlogel April 2nd, 2008 02:59 PM

No worries, I'll get it sooner or later. =)

Was trying to track down the dolly ya used but it looks like it ain't available here in the US. Looks like a nice light rig, the one I have is pretty heavy and not fun to lug around. Though I need ta save up and get a Letus and stop getting distracted by other toys!

- Ray

Phil Bloom April 2nd, 2008 03:04 PM

thats a shame. its a great dolly and track

Hayes Roberts April 2nd, 2008 11:08 PM

Wow- great job Phil. "Confession" looks fantastic. It is really great to see you now moving into this direction with your pieces. Any advice on settings, lenses, accessory use with the EX1 and this type of work? The Letus holding up well? Everyone is waiting to see how this finishes.

Daniel Alexander April 3rd, 2008 04:57 AM

really good job on "Confession", looks like you nailed it again. To add on to Hayes' questions, how did you find editing this piece on a macbook pro? I am about to start shooting similiar stuff and hoping to use magic bullet alot and trying to decide if i should break the bank and go for a quad core or have a look at a new macbook pro. Im just scared of having to sit waiting for hours during renders to see every little change i make.

Phil Bloom April 3rd, 2008 05:01 AM

The lenses I used are mentioned in my blog as well as the accessories. Ideally a follow focus and matte box would have been used.

Editing on the macbook pro was fine, ideally the mac pro would have been used but I was away from home. Magic Bullet took an age to render. It's fine but you need the time to do it.

If you have the money get a macpro. It's a good 6-8 times faster than the macbook pro and when it comes to rendering magic bullet.

Mathieu Ghekiere April 3rd, 2008 02:53 PM

Hi Phil,

just wanted to congratulate you with your blog. I love your images, color correction and music choices. Especially nice to see you choose Symphony for Sorrowful Songs by Gorecki, it truly is a marvelous cd, I never can stop listening to it. Every song is so heartbreaking. Although I think you overused the music in the movie of the trenches, photography of it looks splendid, yet again.

Keep up the good work!

Steve Cahill April 6th, 2008 06:54 AM

Auto focus unit
Thought this to be of interest, right now only supporting Canon EOS type @

This would allow manual method to control focus.

Michael H. Stevens April 6th, 2008 10:39 PM

Phil: Ola says these EX1 settings came from your blog. If so, can you post a reference as I can not find.

Palm Desert

Matrix select: cinema
Level: 0
Phase: -29
R-G: +31
R-B: 48
G-R: -2
G-B: -32
B-R: -38
B-G: +4
Color Correction ON
Target Phase: 274
Target Width: 0
Level: 91
Phase: -18
Knee SAT 50
Gamma Level: 0
Select STD1, Cine1, CINE3, or CINE4
Black: -8

Phil Bloom April 7th, 2008 12:48 AM


Tunde Anjorin April 7th, 2008 10:09 PM

Philip CONFESSION was a master piece!!!!!! It did not in anyway feel like a rough cut to me. The images looked nice, great camera work, color correction blah blah blah.....

The crowning glory of the piece; was the story, and the acting! Those actors rocked!!!!! Good luck with the film mate!!!!

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