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Ian Smith February 23rd, 2008 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Steve Shovlar (Post 831370)
Thanks I will give them a call.

They're not in stock. I pre-ordered mine from Mitcorp in January and had an email last week to say they were expecting it the first week in March (when I'm away in Vegas - doh!)

Phil Bloom February 23rd, 2008 01:45 PM

they had some in beginning of last week, not many though.

Bill Ravens February 23rd, 2008 02:01 PM

Man, I like that Zacuto mount. Wish I could afford one.
Thanx for the reference.

Phil Bloom February 23rd, 2008 02:04 PM

honestly didnt think it would work but it did and very well too!

Their setup was based upon using an external monitor at the front, with the camera right on your shoulder making the lcd too close to use. I moved things around to what you see and it was perfect. Could have done with a focus puller or remote focus on the arm

Paul Kellett February 23rd, 2008 02:07 PM

Damn !! I wish i could get on a shoot like that,i'd work like a dog for no money.

Steve Cahill February 23rd, 2008 02:28 PM

Phil- Whose focus gear clamp are you using? Got some interesting footage with Letus from Prague. I will post next week when I get back. Working off a tripod is a pain, need to accessorize the Zacutto to a hand held set up.

Phil Bloom February 23rd, 2008 02:30 PM

still use the redrock gears and follow focus. works great. just need another hand when holding that rig, thats why i removed the follow focus and just used the gears.

personally I LOVE the tripod. How was Prague?

Sebastien Thomas February 23rd, 2008 02:31 PM

Phill, great picture as usual.

I saw you have a Marshall LCD.
Which model is it ?
how do you feed it, componant or SDI ?
I'm looking for one like this but SDI onces are far more expensives. Maybe the componant onces are almost same quality for a 7/8" ?

I ever worked with pricy LCD, like the BTLH-900 from pana or Astro Oscillos... have no experience with cheep models :)

Phil Bloom February 23rd, 2008 02:32 PM

it's the component one. Need an sdi one. Need a true HD one. The Clarion looks like my next purchase. One guy makes them. they look great

Bill Ravens February 23rd, 2008 03:23 PM

Focus puller? Someone needs to make a servo-drive with a control trigger on the left hand. I think Redrock was working on something like that. Just more weight for a motor, tho'.

Steve Cahill February 23rd, 2008 04:18 PM

Phil- Prague was / is wonderful heading back real soon, spent a week in the hotel, shooting a meeting and interviews with the Zylight.

Today for myself with the Letus outside. Running around like a madman trying to shoot stuff for the blog. There was just so much to see and do and plently of tourist from all over!

Tripod and hand held a love hate relationship, "having a extra hand priceless!"
The battle stuff looked great!

Gerald Loidl February 23rd, 2008 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Kellett (Post 826581)
Phil,the cheap shoulder mount on your blog,i've got the same one,does work well.Best of all,i got mine on ebay,£18 plus £14 p&p.It came from china and got here in about 3 days.The translated instructions had me in stitches.
So if anyone else wants a stupidly cheap shoulder support that works well,get on ebay,it's well worth 32 quid.

thanks for the tip. I´ve been searching Ebay for the cheap shoulder mount but I cant find it. What do I have to search for? Do you have the name of the seller? How is it called and what brand is it?

@ Philip Bloom: Superb footage - thanks for sharing! Your work is very inspiring and I bought my EX1 because of all the stuff you posted.
I hope to get used to it soon as I never worked with a camera that small before.


Dean Harrington February 23rd, 2008 05:03 PM

eBay shoulder mount ...
I bought one last week. There is one left and others listed.

Pavlos Symeon February 23rd, 2008 05:07 PM

Gerald, go to ebay and search for "Pro Shoulder Support Pad"
The vendor is in China. It should give you two to three different vendors.

Sami Sanpakkila February 23rd, 2008 06:33 PM

oh man, that place is seeing a huge peak on their sales at the moment :)


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