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Hayes Roberts November 30th, 2007 09:41 AM

Your blog is awesome and that clip is smashing! Any particulars on your letus/lens setup. Any 24p footage tests? Thanks for a great blogsite.

Dave Elston November 30th, 2007 10:13 AM

Hi Phil,

I've spent quite some time today checking out your work, got to say that's some really nice looking cinematography (yes the 'c' word!). You've clearly got a great eye and a fine handle on getting the most out of your post processes as well!

In the new year (when I finally get my hands on an EX1) I'm looking to do one or two music vid shoots for a Brighton musician friend of mine. We're planning on heading up to the big smoke for some night-time/dawn shots as well - maybe good fun to hook up and get some two-camera stuff going if you're interested.
I plan on attaching my Redrock M2 and can only hope I'm able to get results anywhere approaching the quality of the shots from your Letus-EX setup.
Tools like these really are a dream come true for those of us who cut our teeth back in the S-VHS/Hi-8/mini-DV days!

Keep up the good work and blog,


Phil Bloom November 30th, 2007 10:46 AM

Thanks guys,

Dave, very interested...

Hayes, I haven't shot anything 24p yet but I expect i will test it out soon.

Jamie, thanks very much. In fact I have just supplied the company who makes some of the roadshow footage half a dozen of my clips for their new one.

Paul, I use Magic Bullet looks. Quite an amazing piece of software. The grade was done pretty quickly as I just wanted to get it up so people could see how great the combo is. I am working on a newer version with each shot tweaked.

I used a Sigma 18mm f1.8, zeiss 50mm t2 macro, zeiss 85mm f1.4, nikon 105mm f2 DC

Daniel Boswell November 30th, 2007 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Phil Bloom (Post 784690)
i have the proper 77mm attachment from Letus.

The short is up now here:


Thanks for doing that Phil. Gorgeous stuff!

More overcranking slo mo stuff would be greatly appreciated.

Phil Bloom November 30th, 2007 11:00 AM

the 60fps in amazing. on my f350 i could only do 50fps in "Pal" mode. not with this camera. superb!

Steven Thomas November 30th, 2007 11:02 AM

wonderful stuff.
You're a great asset to this board!

I'm looking forward to owning the adapter myself.

Phil Bloom November 30th, 2007 11:04 AM

Thanks Steven

Tomorrow I go off to film my 3 broadcast short films for christmas around the uk using just the ex1 (i broke my letus extreme incredibly last night after the shoot due to utter carelessness, Hien has dispatched a replacement but I doubt it will reach me in time).

Follow my blog as I will be updating it during the week on the ups and downs of using a small camera instead of a big one.

Robert Petersen November 30th, 2007 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Phil Bloom (Post 784690)
i have the proper 77mm attachment from Letus.

The short is up now here:


Beautiful video. I'm impressed with how well this camera does at night, especially with the Letus Extreme.

Joseph H. Moore November 30th, 2007 01:19 PM

Very nice, Phil! Your work is always good, and this cam lets it show through crystal clear.

Jason Bodnar November 30th, 2007 02:52 PM

Phil, Simply amazing footage! I was already going to purchase the camera but now the Letus is high on my list as well. Any chance you can post some pics of the EX1 and the Letus setup?

Marty Baggen November 30th, 2007 03:04 PM

I'm very pleased to see that the EX is fully compatible with "Venus In Furs"

Daniel Boswell November 30th, 2007 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Jason Bodnar (Post 784946)
Phil, Simply amazing footage! I was already going to purchase the camera but now the Letus is high on my list as well. Any chance you can post some pics of the EX1 and the Letus setup?

Jason, as Letus FE user and now Extreme user..i can tell you you will be VERY pleased with the Letus.

I dont have my EX yet, but here is my FX1 + Extreme set-up:

(I am waiting on Red Rock Matte & Follow Focus)


Cavision rails and Canon FD Mount (Lens is Canon 50 mm)

Jason Bodnar November 30th, 2007 03:12 PM

Thanks Daniel! I can not wait but the new year is going to be good!

Ray Bell November 30th, 2007 10:42 PM

Phil, The footage looks great....

as to 35mm adaptors... my understanding is that the main atribute for these adaptors is the shorter depth of field...

I have always wanted to put on a tilt and shift lens on one of the adaptors
and realy be able to control the DOP...

I was thinking a Russian Super Rotator would be fantastic....

Here's a site showing the lens... http://www.hartblei.com/lenses/lens_35mm.htm

and here are some results from a tilt/shift... of course these are stills but I can't wait to see
this type of effect with a nice video camera like the EX1... you can see the possiblities


Nate Weaver November 30th, 2007 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ray Bell (Post 785198)
...and realy be able to control the DoP...

Spoken like a true director.

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