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Federico Prieto March 10th, 2003 08:16 AM

Some info about custom preset in VX2000
I am very interested in hear some detailed opinions and or experiences about the custom presets in VX2000.

Is the default the best option? In what conditions need I to modifie that?



Tom Hardwick March 11th, 2003 02:36 AM

Here's one use I've found for custom presets. I do a lot of film to video transfer using the VX2000, and the CP for the white balance is a boon - allowing me to fine tune the scene as I transfer it to the pc.

Next one I use is the AGC limit. If you're into making DVDs of your films then you'll know that grain (from gain-up filming) is a no-no. Use the CP to limit the AGC to +6dB.


Mike Rehmus March 11th, 2003 05:32 PM

Are you saying that color balance will change already recorded images or are you saying that you use the camcorder as just a camera and pass the signal directly to your computer?

Tom Hardwick March 12th, 2003 02:55 AM

Yes Mike - in this situation my VX2k is used as a lens and chip assembly only, the signal going via Firewire straight to the pc. The fine tuning of the colour balance is there should I need it, but these days I'm using the Storm's real-time colour correction in post more and more.


Mike Rehmus March 12th, 2003 11:29 AM


I use the DVRexRT system that will automatically record clips as I press the start/stop button on an attached DV camcorder. Does the Storm offer that same ability?

Isn't real realtime great?

Alan Christensen March 25th, 2003 12:44 AM

I find that my VX2000 is overexposed in many circumstances when shooting in auto mode if I don't use the custom preset to tone the picture down some. I'm not sure if my camera has a problem or if a superbright picture is simply the way that VX-2000's are set up in the factory. I use the custom preset to cut back the exposure by at least one click at all times.

Jan O. Norrman March 25th, 2003 01:13 AM

My vx also overexposes in auto mode. I suggest you read David Reuther vx2k report on - I think - dvinfo vx2000 companion - reports when the camera was launched.

My qestion - what is "sharpness" in the custom presets? Has it to do with focus or I read something about transitions without understanding..

Tom Hardwick March 25th, 2003 01:26 AM

The sharpness settings simply increase the acutance effect, where edges of objects have black lines around them. To the casual eye this can looker "sharper" but it's not of course, it simply has this edge effect applied.


Jan O. Norrman March 25th, 2003 02:44 AM


Thanks for a quick answer.

Federico Prieto March 26th, 2003 03:34 PM

I found this info in David Ruether page. This is what I was asking about. May be it can help to someone more here. If you have another experiences about I am very interested in "hear" it....

...."Using the custom controls, I get a picture very much to my liking. I prefer these CP adjustments with my two NTSC VX-2000s for many subject types: for most exterior work, 0 for color level, +1 for sharpness, +1 for color balance, and -1 for AE bias, with DWB selected (best color balance for exteriors with most Sony NTSC Mini-DV camcorders is had with "daylight white balance" selected - though this is not true for one PAL VX-2000 I know of, and for a third NTSC VX2000 I just acquired); interiors generally look better to me with less warming and saturation dialed in, with the AE-bias returned to 0 (or whatever is needed to compensate for the predominant wall tone), and with AWB used (fluorescent lights are very well handled by the VX-2000 AWB). You can also limit gain rise with the CP controls to +18db, +12db, and +6db (the picture is excellent through about +12db, though, and it is still remarkably good, with little color noise and acceptable color, at +18db)"......

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