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David Murnan September 8th, 2006 05:43 AM

Audio Difficulty With VX2100
I just purchased a vx2100 and a sennheiser MKE300 shotgun mic... when used in conjunction there is a bad background noise. The noise is only there if the mic is mounted on the camera, not if I hold it off the camera. Any suggestions on a fix or new mic?

Thanks in advance,

Mike Rehmus September 8th, 2006 09:23 AM

Get a mount that will hold the microphone up off the camera. Shotgun microphones are not directional at low frequencies so it is picking up camera noise. Separation is the only solution.

Michael Liebergot September 8th, 2006 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by David Murnan
I just purchased a vx2100 and a sennheiser MKE300 shotgun mic... when used in conjunction there is a bad background noise. The noise is only there if the mic is mounted on the camera, not if I hold it off the camera. Any suggestions on a fix or new mic?

Thanks in advance,

Get the mic away from your camera, as you are most likely picking up motor noise from your camera.
Maybe attach a standoff plate from your cameras hot shoe and use a good mic shockmount.

The plate:

Shockmount from Rode:

Or you could get a device that attaches to the bottom of your camera and allows you to place the mic on the handle grip like the Mini Rover from Videosmith.

Tom Hardwick September 9th, 2006 05:42 AM

You've bought the wrong mic David. Sennheiser say this mic is designed for cameras costing up to half of what the VX sells for, and anway, you need the 300D (D for digital) version. This D model has extra screening on the internal wiring and will allow cold shoe connection without hum.


Jim Bucciferro October 3rd, 2006 03:01 AM

Wrong mic
If you are able to return that mic I would get the Rode VideoMic. It is made for that camera and it works great. It has a shock mount and also a low band filter that will filter out the low end noise, like from the camera or wind.
I have one and it is great.


Tom Hardwick October 4th, 2006 01:14 AM

I agrree wholeheartidly with Jim, go for the Rode Videomic.

Marco Wagner October 4th, 2006 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Hardwick
You've bought the wrong mic David. Sennheiser say this mic is designed for cameras costing up to half of what the VX sells for, and anway, you need the 300D (D for digital) version. This D model has extra screening on the internal wiring and will allow cold shoe connection without hum.


I have that same mic on a VX2100, what does cost of cam have to do with it?

Tom Hardwick October 4th, 2006 01:41 PM

The original cost of the camera is a good indication of where the model stands in the pecking order which goes:

picnic, amateur, keen amateur, prosumer, semi-pro and pro.

The MKE300 is designed to make the first couple of camera categories sound a bit better.

Marco Wagner October 4th, 2006 05:37 PM

Gotcha. I am pretty happy with that mic so far, granted I'd like a more expensive model, but not everyone has the cash...

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