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Allen Campbell October 3rd, 2010 09:36 PM

I Need A PD170 Remote Control?
Whats the chances of me finding a stray PD170 remote control?

I cannot post in the classifieds and no moderators will respond. Can anyone tell me whats up with that?

Tom Hardwick October 4th, 2010 01:06 AM

As a newbie with only 41 posts under your belt you're probably not considered a regular player yet. If you really want a remote I'd suggest the cheapest way is to borrow the real thing (all Sony camcorders seem to use the same codes, so it doesn't have to be a 170 remote) buy a learning remote and put it face2face with the genuine article and teach it.


Allen Campbell October 4th, 2010 07:41 AM

I see. I have an old Sony CCD-TRV52 camcorder that I'll try. Thanks

Adam Gold October 4th, 2010 01:55 PM

A quick Internet search reveals that it is called the RMT-811, that there are a million of them all over the web, and one can easily be had here:

SONY CAMCORDER REMOTE CONTROL Part Number 147676823 Generic RMT-811

... among other places. Looks like they're even sort of local to you.

There also appears to be one on eBay at the moment:


Allen Campbell October 4th, 2010 03:55 PM

Thanks! I did Google DSR PD170 remote but it failed to get what you did. I also eBays searched but not with the Sony number. I could not locate it in the manual.

The ones close to being local? I'm not seeing that one.


Adam Gold October 4th, 2010 04:01 PM

I don't know Georgia well but the top link shows them in the same state as you. Not sure how close Thomasville is to where you are.

Allen Campbell October 4th, 2010 05:00 PM

Thanks Guys, For Your Patience,

I guess I need to brush up on my Webb page reading, as the Thomasville GA thing was in my face the whole time.

I have a PD170 coming from eBay.

eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices Scroll it down a bit.

No remote but it does have a car charger, a must have for a PI and a dime a dozen, and a pelican case, another must have for the PI vehicle and not cheap when new. I hope the hours are real.
The seller says the internal memory battery holds the setting during a battery change and he has a Memory stick coming with it.

I have seen cheaper with more hours and such. But I gotta get this thing and get to shooting.

If you guys would be so kind as to give me the page number in the manual that explains how to make it burn the Date & Time on the tape so it is always shown no matter how it's transferred I would be greatfull. I have been reading the manual and what I found is kind of vague and I need comfirmation from experienced hands shuch as your selves.


Adam Gold October 4th, 2010 05:09 PM

DATE REC is detailed on Page 63. MENU > OTHERS > DATE REC > ON.

Allen Campbell October 4th, 2010 07:33 PM

Thanks. I was confused but I guess the "Superimpose" is the burn in, and the "as data code" is the mode that is only shown on the camera displays or in an analog transfer.


Adam Gold October 4th, 2010 07:51 PM

That's exactly right.

Tom Hardwick October 5th, 2010 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Allen Campbell (Post 1575423)
I see. I have an old Sony CCD-TRV52 camcorder that I'll try. Thanks

And it worked perfectly, yes?


Allen Campbell October 6th, 2010 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Tom Hardwick (Post 1575684)
And it worked perfectly, yes? tom.

The PD170 is on a FedEx truck to arrive Friday. :-). I'll let you know.

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