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Joe Gioielli July 26th, 2005 03:40 PM

Finally Using the Mack Warranty
It's finally happened, my vx2k needs service. I went to the Mack website and trouble is brewing already. The website won't accept the equipment number. Soooo, I have a call into them to find out what I do now. The machine said they will call me back.

Naturally, I am expecting the worst. Hopefully though things will be fine. I have decided to share my experience with the forum so you guys can decide if a Mack warranty is worth it.

So mark the date, July 26th, the journey begins.


Stephanie Wilson July 26th, 2005 07:07 PM


Pleazzzze tell us that this is not the beginning of a warranty nightmare. I bought the same service. I NEVER buy an extended warranty, but when your talking about a $3,000 camera v.s. a DVD player, you get a little light-headed.

Hope it all works out for you dude. I can say "dude" cuz I'm writing from L.A. and too damn old to know or even care what's currently "bad".

All the best,


Devin Eskew July 26th, 2005 09:50 PM

I am hoping all is well with your service. I was planning on purchasing it with my PD-170 this month.

Joe Gioielli August 3rd, 2005 12:02 PM

Deleted by Joseph Gioielli.

Chris Hurd August 3rd, 2005 01:47 PM

Just a friendly note from your friendly Admin,

"Realize that if I get the shaft on this I can tell everyone on this board what happened and we'll see what it does to their sales."

This message board does not exist to serve such purposes. Feel free to relate your experiences, good or bad; but you can't use this community for staging vendettas or crusades. That's not what it's here for. You'll need your own site for that. Thanks in advance,

Craig Seeman August 3rd, 2005 05:55 PM

Many years back I had a bad experience with Mack and never went near them again.

I had an Canon L1 (Hi8) that had tracking problems and some dials that had become intermittant. I drove down to pick it up a few weeks later and tested it. Not only were the problems not fixed but the dials they used didn't even match the camera's model. After a second trip down another week or so later the camera still wasn't fixed.

I told them I didn't want them to touch it again. I drive a few miles further to Canon's own service center. Canon told me Mack had done this before. Canon said they would honor th Mack extended warranty and fixed the camera properly.

Nope, I wouldn't trust Mack for an instant.

You called July 26. It's now August 3 as I type this. Maybe that should say something.

Heath McKnight August 3rd, 2005 08:18 PM

I never had a problem with them on my XL-1. I have one on my HD10 (which I sold) but haven't needed to use it.

The two times I sent the XL-1 in, I read on my Mack Warranty card that they or a Canon-authorized dealer/repair would be covered. So I sent it to Canon, not Mack.


Steve McDonald August 5th, 2005 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Heath McKnight
I never had a problem with them on my XL-1. I have one on my HD10 (which I sold) but haven't needed to use it.

The two times I sent the XL-1 in, I read on my Mack Warranty card that they or a Canon-authorized dealer/repair would be covered. So I sent it to Canon, not Mack.


By chance, do they give the same option to Sony owners with Mack warranties, to send them to Sony-authorized repair shops?

Heath McKnight August 5th, 2005 09:11 AM

Take a look at the Mack Warranty card. If it says Mack or an authorized repair shop, Sony is one.


Pete Bauer January 16th, 2006 07:55 AM

Joe, just curious how it all turned out?

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