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Jim Vesty February 12th, 2005 04:15 PM

sony 80 min tapes
Hey all,

I have pretty much decided to get a PD170 after it was suggested on here for it's low light capabilities. I had been looking at a used XL1S or an XL2 but don't really think I would even utilize their main feature of the interchangable lenses.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has used the Sony DVM-80PR tapes and if they had success with them. Considering I am planning on doing some weddings it would be nice not to have to change tapes partway through the ceremony. Thanks for any info...


Matt Stahley February 13th, 2005 12:25 AM

I've used them a few times with no problems at all but mainly for final output.

Matt Rickman February 14th, 2005 07:55 PM

I have used the 80pr's in the exact manner you are wanting to use them (wedding video).. Probably use about 25 per year. I have never had a single problem with them.

matt rickman

Jim Vesty February 16th, 2005 05:10 AM

I'll definitely grab some then. Thanks guys...

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