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Boyd Ostroff August 31st, 2004 04:09 PM

Iris differences VX-2000/VX-2100/PD-150/PD-170
There seems to be a lot of confusion over what has been upgraded with the iris settings between these cameras. Rather than try to sort it all out, I just tried a quick test with my VX-2000. Following is a list of what the camera displayed in the viewfinder as I turned the exposure wheel. To help clear things up perhaps someone can repeat this exercise on a VX-2100, PD-170 and PD-150. That should put an end to all the conjecture...

2. F11
3. F9.6
4. F8
5. F6.8
6. F5.6
7. F4.8
8. F4
9. F3.4
10. F2.8
11. F2.4
12. F2
13. OPEN
14. 3 dB
15. 6 dB
16. 9 dB
17. 12 dB
18. 15 dB
19. 18 dB

John Jay September 2nd, 2004 01:34 PM

the vx2100 has 21 clicks with settings 1-19 as above (zoom is wide)

clicks 20 & 21 dont do anything and are the same as click 19

Boyd Ostroff September 2nd, 2004 04:03 PM

Interesting. So if I understand you correctly, there is really no difference in how the iris works on the VX-2100, and it moves in the same noticeable jumps as the VX-2000. I wonder if the stepper motor in the PD-170 is actually different, or if this is just another case of Sony crippling the consumer version's firmware (as they did with the TRV-950 vs. PDX-10 16:9 mode)?

John Jay September 2nd, 2004 04:59 PM

Yes the iris works the same apart from the 2 dead clicks on the right.

I find the best strategy for shooting in unpredictable light conditions is custom preset AE all the way to the left (- 2stop?), backlight on and use auto exposure - this way is safe since you are always exposing for the subject/foreground

the rest of the time I use manual

Tom Hardwick September 5th, 2004 11:57 PM

I think you're right in your asssumption Boyd.

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