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-   -   AUTO FOCUS can be your friend. (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-trv950-pdx10-companion/55907-auto-focus-can-your-friend.html)

Stephen Finton December 11th, 2005 04:36 PM

AUTO FOCUS can be your friend.
On my HC1000s I can zoom in on something to set focus and then switch to auto focus on the side of the camera. As soon as it comes into focus, I switch it back to manual, then zoom out. Beats messing around with the dial, when your in a hurry.

Dean Sensui December 12th, 2005 08:35 PM

The same goes for auto iris, using that feature momentarily to quickly set an exposure, as long as the highlights aren't blown out.

What's objectionable is when it stays on "auto" and the exposure and/or focus keeps shifting everytime something changes in the scene.

Sean McHenry December 12th, 2005 10:45 PM

I have never seen this but I am thinking a really cool idea might be a way to set a bracketed exposure. Do the auto exposure thing and that becomes a central exposure setting. Then, you could set it for -1/+1 and it could vary but only as much as your setting of 1 stop over or 1 stop below. That would keep it from swinging to widely.

Just an idea.


Stephen Finton December 13th, 2005 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Sean McHenry
I have never seen this but I am thinking a really cool idea might be a way to set a bracketed exposure. Do the auto exposure thing and that becomes a central exposure setting. Then, you could set it for -1/+1 and it could vary but only as much as your setting of 1 stop over or 1 stop below. That would keep it from swinging to widely.

Just an idea.


AE Shift? I've got that. It lets you limit your Auto Exposure by -4 to +4 stops. At least I believe it is in stops. I will have to test it buy changing it while I record and then look at the DATA CODE on the recorded video. I don't use this function because I thought it would force the iris open even further than the "exposure bar's" limit but it doesn't get any brighter once it hits its limit.

Stu Holmes December 29th, 2005 05:43 PM

Actually Steve i have got a suspicion that it's half-stops and not stops.

Certainly in manual exposure mode, each step on the exposure bar is half a stop, not one stop.

It *may* be that the AE SHIFT is similarly calibrated in half-stops. I'll have to check that though.

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