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Damien Greaves September 7th, 2005 04:02 PM

Help has this happened to u
Hi guys i have been having very good results with my PDX10 i shoot seminars sports events and interviews for broadcast

Recently though i shot some interviews i used a shure lavelair mic audio levels looked good

but i find audio on the PDX10 to be low, recorded on the tapes even the headphone audio i have on max it is a struggle to hear

but this is where it gets scary i have a jvc br dv 3000u deck this time when i transfered from my deeck to the cpu no audio

well i thought no audio but when i hook up the analogue svhs out and rca audio to my ads pyro boom audio

now i have to do a proper investigation but have PDX10 users beeen haveing probs with low audio

this wiil be good to know

and has any body else encountered this problem

Boyd Ostroff September 7th, 2005 04:11 PM

Others have complained about low audio levels, and it does seem that you need to record at a high level when using the supplied mono mike. However the quality of the audio seems fine after you boost in post (it's digital so that in and of itself shouldn't be a problem).


However there are some audio issues on the PC when capturing via firewire. Could this be related to your problem maybe?


Sean McHenry September 8th, 2005 07:35 AM

Boyd didn't mention it but he did hint at it. If you are using Adobe Premiere, there are issues with it not picking up audio correctly as I recall. Boyd is the thread-meister so I am sure he can help if you can't find the thread by searching. May or may not be related to your issue. Follow his links. They do point you in the right direction.

I seem to recall there were other applications having troubles with audio from the PDX10 but I have not had any issues using Avid Xpress DV Pro or HD on my systems.

Make sure you are using 48KHz as the sample rate also.


Damien Greaves September 8th, 2005 08:04 AM

ok i did some investigating

i have never captured from my pdx10 to my cpu i always use my canon camcorder zr model (now dead) or my new jvc br dv 3000u deck

i tried to capture the same footage with the camera same problem

i then put the camera on camera mode while hooked up to the cpu via fire wire so i could hear my self i got feed back but no audio

but when u hook it up analogue good audio

this is really bothering me can a bad signal blow something in the camera

is there a tech support number or something

cause i remeber doing a shoot the last one before this one and i took a line feed from the PA guy and he sent me a super hot signal just for about a second or two

i really dunno what to do

Boyd Ostroff September 8th, 2005 09:14 AM

Not really sure what might be going on there. Sean, the second link I posted above discusses the stereo issue on the PC.

Sony service/support for the PDX-10 can be found here:


Damien Greaves September 8th, 2005 09:22 AM

ok i am still working on it some things not logical

if the xlr adapter is damaged then it shouldnt work

but i am getting great audio levels on the camera

if my dv deck is damaged previously recorded audio should sound bad

i just downloaded scenalyzr 4.0 and boom correct audio

seems to be a software problem

any more ideas

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