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-   -   Looking to upgrade (https://www.dvinfo.net/forum/sony-trv950-pdx10-companion/21011-looking-upgrade.html)

Kevin Lyons February 7th, 2004 07:25 PM

Looking to upgrade
First I want to say this place is GREAT for reading info for all things DV! I have been reading everything I can and there is still so much.

Well the reason I am posting, I am planning to shoot a very short movie in a few months (around spring). I want to upgrade to a 3CCD camera. I also plan to shoot a longer movie next summer, something to submit to festivals in the future.

So, my question is if the PDX10 will be a good buy for what I want to do? Is there another camera I should look at because I have really been studying the 10. I like what I hear about the audio and I am really intrested in the 16x9.

Let me say I am a new to the higher end cameras and I still have A LOT to learn about the cameras themselves. Right now I have a Sony TRV17, which I love, but I really want an upgrade.

Any advice for a begginer filmmaker?

Frank Granovski February 7th, 2004 08:04 PM

2 of the PDX10's strengths are audio and 16:9---and of course it has XLRs.

Another good cam (and even smaller) is the GS100, and much cheaper, but you'll have to get familar with some of the Japanese menus. It also has good widescreen.

Boyd Ostroff February 7th, 2004 09:08 PM

Welcome Kevin, glad to have you hanging out with us!

I think the PDX-10 would suit your needs nicely. If you've been reading back through the forum you should get a decent idea of its strengths and weaknesses. Let us know if you have any specific questions.

As you budget for your upgrade be sure to allow for the accessories you need. I'm not familiar with the TRV-17... does it use 37mm filters and the same batteries as the PDX-10? If so I'd think that would be a plus for you.

Kevin Lyons February 7th, 2004 09:15 PM

Thanks for the welcome!

It does look like PDX10 will use the same batteries as my TRV17. InfoLithium M (Np-QM71) is the one I have right now. Is this the one PDX10 uses (the M series)? I think it is right. If so, I would be in great shape!

Filters are 30mm so no exchanging there.

Thanks for all the replies!

Boyd Ostroff February 7th, 2004 09:35 PM

I don't have my camera here at the moment, but that does sound like the correct battery. I have a pair of QM-91's which are the largest that you can put on the PDX-10. I've been able to run over 3 hours with one of these while using the LCD screen and the camera reported there was about an hour left. I wish there was something a little larger that would fit this camera, but it isn't a big problem.

Fortunately 38mm filters are inexpensive. You will also no doubt want some sort of wide angle lens. You should be able to get a good one for around $100. There has been some extensive discussion on this topic here.

Kenn Jolemore February 8th, 2004 08:04 AM

I have the trv-17 and the 950. The batteries match and the two camcorders work fairly well together although you will need to work at getting them adjusted to looking alike as far as intercutting footage mostly due to the difference in low light situations and sturation levels(reds mostly). The 17 is considerably lighter and will need to be filtered down a bit for a good match out of the cam. Other than that they work great. I use the 17 for all my close in shots and the 950 for wide shots when shooting bands.Untill I get my next cam this is working fairly well and I think you would be happy with a mix of this type.

Kevin Lyons February 13th, 2005 06:22 PM

Hello again.

As you can tell it has been aleast a year since I posted this.

But Friday Feb. 11, 2005 I got my PDX10!!! I have been in much debate for over a year for a new camera.

After the $200 rebate I new it was time to dive in.
I looked at XL2, great cam but I have a long learning curve to over come on these types of cameras and paying that price just didn't seem right.

So, my choice was the PDX10. What a great little camera! I will be spending many nights reading the boards and then playing with the camera on the weekends.

Just thought I would update this topic, let everyone know what had happen.


Ignacio Rodriguez February 14th, 2005 08:36 AM

Cool. Keep us up to date on any accesories, tricks, tips... and if you have any problems don't hesitate to ask, here we have had them all before! ;-)

Boyd Ostroff February 14th, 2005 10:00 AM

Congrats on the purchase Kevin, and good timing. With the rebate it's tough to find more bang for the buck.

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