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Tim Dashwood August 2nd, 2013 02:18 AM

FS700 v3.0 Firmware update menus (4K/2K RAW + SLog2)
8 Attachment(s)
I've been getting a lot of questions lately about menu options in the v3.0 upgrade so I figured it was best just to do some captures of the menus. (attached.)

Notable upgrades in the paid v3.0 firmware ($400USD must be performed by Sony) include S-Log2 gamma, REC709 (800%), SDI REC trigger control (should work with any outboard recorder but doesn't seem to work with Hyperdeck) and of course 2K and 4K RAW output via SDI.

What is interesting is that the HDMI output still functions in standard 1080 HD mode even when in RAW recording mode so potentially you can plug an EVF, on-board monitor or other HDMI recorder into it while recording RAW from the HD-SDI.
In fact you could even use the HDMI with any gamma curve you want or even on-screen display of TC. This might be useful for recording dailies/proxies in REC709 with burn-in TC in a low bitrate DNxHD or ProRes422 format and saving your RAW conform for mastering.

Note that although the minimum ISO for S-Log2 is 2000ASA, it doesn't mean that the camera was upgraded to be more sensitive (as an article I read recently suggests.) Each gamma curve has a different minimum "equivalent" ISO value. The engineers likely just used this to represent where 18% gray would sit in the curve. Therefore the 0dB gain setting in S-Log2 would be equal to 2000ASA if shooting a gray card.
Also keep in mind that none of the other gamma settings (black level, knee, matrix, etc) actually do anything when S-Log2 or REC709(800%) are selected as the gamma curve.

I was really hoping they would fix the shutter angle calculation for SSM but they didn't.

Morton Molyneux August 2nd, 2013 08:33 AM

Re: FS700 v3.0 Firmware update menus (4K/2K RAW + SLog2)
Tim, Thanks for posting.


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