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Michael Johnston September 30th, 2011 11:12 AM

NX5U and Sports
I am on a crew that shoots LIVE high school football here in Texas on Friday nights. We shoot on JVC GY-HD110's. Last night, I had my first opportunity to shoot a game on my NX5U in a sort of studio configuration. Here are the highlights. In my opinion, the NX5U, with its SDI output, is the perfect camera to produce sports events with. Your thoughts? BE SURE TO WATCH IN HD!!!


Chris Sgaraglino September 30th, 2011 07:39 PM

Re: NX5U and Sports
I have been shooting HS football all season... I have yet to ties to live broadcast (next weekend), but I have been very happy with every secenio I have put it in...

A side benefit to shooting HSfootball, is your tripod skills will improve very quickly!

Justin Hewitt October 2nd, 2011 04:23 AM

Re: NX5U and Sports
Looks Good ...
how did you have your camera configured ?

Michael Johnston October 2nd, 2011 12:57 PM

Re: NX5U and Sports
I was shooting in 1920x1080 60i FH mode (17Mbs). Camera was mounted on a Davis & Sanford ProVista tripod (FM18 head) with dual handles. A Libec zoom controller was mounted on one handle. I had a Hair 7" SD LCD monitor mounted on the back cold shoe used for framing, LCD open for color/audio bars monitoring. Everything AC powered. Channel one audio was AM radio via mini to XLR adapter. Channel two audio was on-cam mic. Finished video was mixed to mono. Scoreboard was added in post. I'll post my picture profile setting soon because several have asked about them.

Billy Nelson October 19th, 2011 01:24 PM

Re: NX5U and Sports
I use a NX5U to video Div III college football games. If you use this camera you will love the 20x zoom lens, the great data storage with 16 gig SDHC cards (PNY $44.00 for 16GB class 10 at Walmart) and the option of the 128GB flash drive intergration. I've been using 16 GB PNY class 4 for 1.5 years without one glitch which is amazing. The simplest set up for day time sports is to turn on x.v.color which by passes the picture profiles. I haven't tried it for night games and probably opt for a low light picture profile.

My clients love the quality of the video the NX5U shoots of their games.

Here's a promo Sports Promo - YouTube

Michael Johnston October 19th, 2011 09:43 PM

Re: NX5U and Sports
1920x1080/60i FH mode
Shutter: 1/60
Gain: -3


BLACK LEVEL: master -4, r 0, g 0, b 0
BLACK GAMMA: range middle, level 0
KNEE: auto 95% middle
COLOR DEPTH: all 0's
DETAIL: level +7, manual - v/h balance 0, b/w balance type 4, black limit 3, white limit 7, crispening 7, hi light detail +2

James Kuhn October 21st, 2011 09:51 PM

Re: NX5U and Sports
Michael...that is great video! Man, so crisp, and the colors are superb! Very nice product.



Mikel Arturo October 23rd, 2011 07:47 AM

Re: NX5U and Sports

Originally Posted by James Kuhn (Post 1690683)
Michael...that is great video! Man, so crisp, and the colors are superb! Very nice product.



Excelent quality.

Michael, which video switcher are you using? (if there is any, of course; it is a multicam event?)

Titling machine or computer/software titling (Blackmagic?, I'm very interested in REAL USER info about Blackmagic mixers).

Michael Johnston October 24th, 2011 05:33 PM

Re: NX5U and Sports
This was not LIVE. High school games can not be broadcast LIVE. This was shot one camera with graphics and replays added in post. It was edited immediately following the game to be uploaded and posted online by 8am the next morning. Edited in CS5 with graphics created in Photoshop prior to gameday.

James Kuhn October 24th, 2011 07:42 PM

Re: NX5U and Sports
Now that's 'work-flow', mate!


Michael Johnston October 24th, 2011 08:49 PM

Re: NX5U and Sports
Toughest part is I only get 2 to 3 hours to do all that editing because it takes 6 hours to render out the entire game in 640x360 for upload. However, I have to cut highlights in 1080p before I can cut the full game.

Mikel Arturo October 25th, 2011 02:20 AM

Re: NX5U and Sports
OK. Thanks.

To speed up your render, I recommend you:

1.- Nvidia hack. I have a Nvidia 450GTS (more or less 90$) and speeds up everything. Now I will suggest and GTX550 (the evolution of 450GTS). In theory, you don't need to go to more expensive cards or Quadro version because there isn't significant speed acceleration. Premiere CS 5.5 is limited and can't get the extra power of high end cards.
2.- 12 Gigas RAM or more (DDR3).
3.- 3 hard disks: 1 for systems, 1 for capture/transfer footage and edit (1.5TB/7.200 rpm) and 1 for render (is FASTER not to render in the same disk where you put the original footage; this one is an 2TB/5400rpm).
4.- Quad core. I'm still working with an old Intel Quad core and it works like a charm whith upgrades 1, 2 and 3.

This is my rig. I think that renders of 2 hours of full HD (1920x1080), 25p, FX to the same frame size as you (640x360) takes 3 hours, half time than your work (on CS5.5). No color correction, audio filter noise reduction, 2 layers of graphics with logos, a pair of crossfade transitions.

Chris Sgaraglino November 2nd, 2011 10:47 AM

Re: NX5U and Sports
1 Attachment(s)
Here in Colorado we don't always get to go out on top of the Press Box to shoot the High School games.
Sometimes the weather doesn't cooperate or the PB does not have a roof to get on.

But shooting from inside the Press Box also presents its own challenges - especially space.

Being that windows are small and that there is typically some kind of shelf/table against the wall - a full size tripod just will not work!

My solution - is to use my Still Photo tripod and a smaller 701HDV Fluid head and then add my VeriZoom controller. Work pretty good - but on some location, I find that this is still too tall for me to operate properly.

So last week I added a new 5" 1080 HD-HDMI monitor and clamped it to one of the legs of the tropod - oh, man what a difference!

James Kuhn November 2nd, 2011 02:29 PM

Re: NX5U and Sports
Chris...nice rig! I have an 'old' Gitzo G1325 Mk. II, with as luck would have it, a Manfrotto 701 HDV. What 'clamp' are you using for the monitor? The reason I ask, I plan on purchasing an Atomos Samurai, I've been told, when using 'spinning disc' (HDD) media attached to the rear 'hot shoe' mount on the 'NX5', the vibration will translate through the camera. I don't know if mounting the device on one of the legs might help mitigate the issue?

Anyway, nice solution.


Chris Sgaraglino November 3rd, 2011 08:22 AM

Re: NX5U and Sports
It's a Manfrotto Super Clamp with a standard light stand stud that I have a mini-ballhead screwed into.

For your purpose, this might work great as the clamp does have rubber on the inside and would absorb most if not all the vibration form a HDD.

Also, look at the Manfrotto Mini-Clamp if you want something lighter.

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