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Chris Harding March 22nd, 2013 03:08 AM

Added 52mm CU lens to the viewfinder
Hi Guys

For any that are far sighted and have to have the diopter adjustment fully counterclockwise I am delighted to discover that my +2 diopter 52mm close up lenses I ordered a while back and screwed onto the tube just inside the rubber eyecup brings the adjustment right back to the centre again. Works a treat for me so I have CU's on both viewfinder tubes now and total cost was a mere $3.20 each. Getting old and losing the ability to read tiny print is a bummer!!!


Don Bloom March 22nd, 2013 05:15 AM

Re: Added 52mm CU lens to the viewfinder
You're not old...like a fine wine just getting properly aged! Glad the 50s are working out so well for you.

Chris Harding March 22nd, 2013 05:49 AM

Re: Added 52mm CU lens to the viewfinder
Hi Don

Aged yes and ready to be sampled but I cannot find a nice 26 year old curvy blonde hottie wine fanatic to sample me!!

My eyesight for distance is pretty much perfect...it's just close objects require reading glasses which are the cheap drugstore $5 variety and 2 diopter hence the decision to add the lenses as per the Sony manual. Worked out very well indeed too!

Yes, I'm loving the 50's ... focus is a wee bit slower than the Panasonics which had tiny 1/4" sensors but at weddings that isn't an issue ..I really love the touch screen focus facility in manual ...awesome for weddings!!

Hope the 700 is living up to your expectations too


Aslak Aarhus March 4th, 2014 02:06 PM

Re: Added 52mm CU lens to the viewfinder
Hello Chris Harding ,

I am very interested in finding a 52 mm diopter correction lens (+2) for my new Sony PMW 300
videocamera.To be mounted on top of the viewfinder. Can you help me with information where I can get it ?

Best regards
Aslak Aarhus, Norway

Lee Berger March 4th, 2014 05:59 PM

Re: Added 52mm CU lens to the viewfinder
There used to be a company that made custom lenses for that type of viewfinder diopter. You might consider taking the VF lens to an eye doctor and seeing if they can make you a stronger custom lens.

By the way using a filter (clear for those of you with good eyes) on the EA 50's VF has the added benefit of protecting the plastic front element in the VF's diopter. I procrastinated in getting one. Kicked myself when I noticed that the coating had scratched from cleaning (covered elsewhere in this forum). Went ahead and replaced the diopter. Not cheap!

Chris Harding March 4th, 2014 06:36 PM

Re: Added 52mm CU lens to the viewfinder
Hi Guys

You can buy a close up ring set on eBay for a very small amount of money! 52mm is very popular so they are easy to find Most sets will have +1. +2, +5 and +10 so you should have an issue!! If you have shortened the viewing tube and are very far sighted then you might need a slightly stronger one. When I dropped my tubes down 2" I found the current closeup lens still had plenty of adjustment so I didn't need to replace the lens

52mm 1 2 4 Diopter Macro Closeup Lens | eBay


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