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Peter Rush January 18th, 2013 06:34 AM

Neutral Density Filters
Guys, before I splash out on one of these for my new EA50 I'd like to know of your experiences - I could buy 2 filters to match what I was used to with my Z1 (1/6 ND, 1/32 ND) or buy a variable one.

Individual Tiffen ND filters go for about £30 which seems really cheap!

But a variable would be more versatile such as Genus or Lightcraft Fader ND


Lee Berger January 18th, 2013 06:47 AM

Re: Neutral Density Filters
Hi Peter:
Here is some information that may be useful about variable ND filters that I posted on another thread:

Chris Harding January 18th, 2013 07:31 AM

Re: Neutral Density Filters
The big issue is filter size ..already I have a mere two lenses with different thread sizes which means if I get a 67mm for the stock lens, I cannot use the 50mm prime outside.

Knowing my luck a third lens will ALSO have a different diameter so even with 3 lenses which is a modest count, it would mean 3 variables at $100 a piece ....I wonder can you get 49mm to 67mm stepup rings?? If so that would be an easier solution however I'm often shooting outdoor weddings so I would still need two.

Even with a stepup ring it also would mean having to leave the lens hood off as it's only 67MM ID so I have a feeling it wouldn't squeeze into the hood.

I'm pretty sure than the camera will be OK just with a good ND2 on the lenses for bright days...I ran the stock lens on the stedicam on saturday which was sunny and the footage was a bit blown out ..I think an ND2 would have been enough for that scenario.


Rick Miller January 18th, 2013 08:26 AM

Re: Neutral Density Filters
When I order this camera, I was gonna add a tiffen 67mm UV filter for the included lens. If I purchase one of the many UV ND filters, do these filters screw on top of the tiffen, or do i have to take the tiffen off in order to use?

Peter Rush January 18th, 2013 08:56 AM

Re: Neutral Density Filters
Thanks for the link Lee - I've just ordered the Genus - best price £103.80 inc vat & shipping

Genus ND Fader Circular Filter


Lee Berger January 18th, 2013 09:09 AM

Re: Neutral Density Filters

Originally Posted by Rick Miller (Post 1773919)
If I purchase one of the many UV ND filters, do these filters screw on top of the tiffen, or do i have to take the tiffen off in order to use?

If the Tiffen has treads in front (which I assume it would) the you can add another filter in front. I screwed my Genus on top of my clear filter with no vignetting.

Dan Eskelson January 18th, 2013 09:50 AM

Re: Neutral Density Filters
1 Attachment(s)

I have the same predicament...how to afford a quality ND filter for each size lens. This clip was shot yesterday with the Sigma 19mm, 24p, ISO 200, no ND, so the shutter speed was through the roof.
Color corrected with NewBlue, but obviously left a bit much blue.

If anyone has suggestions for improvement, I am all ears.


Rick Miller January 18th, 2013 10:21 AM

Re: Neutral Density Filters
Lee - any loss of image quality by placing two filters on top of lens? I'm asking for future knowledge - would like to save time by not having to take the tiffen off each time I shoot outside.

Or another question - can I just keep a Various nd filter, like the genus, on all the time, indoors and outdoors? When indoors, just set the filter to "Clear" (if it just has a Zero type setting)? Then when I have to go outside quickly from inside, just dial in the ND filter to appropriate setting, without having to keep taking the filter on and off each time going indoors or outdoors?

Lee Berger January 18th, 2013 10:38 AM

Re: Neutral Density Filters
With both clear and variable stacked on my 50mm f1.8 I think it looks great.

I would not recommend leaving it on indoors. A variable ND filter is simply two polarizer filters stacked, and all polarizers have a filter factor between 3 to 4. According to Wikipedia that translates to a decrease of 1 2/3 to 2 stops of lights. Since there are two in the variable ND I assume that you can double that even at the lowest ND setting.

Paul Wood January 18th, 2013 01:46 PM

Re: Neutral Density Filters
I'm using a 77mm variable ND on both the kit lens and my primes lenses, using step down rings, on my FS100. This means a bit of time spent swapping, but means you don't need a filter for each lens diameter.

There was a lot of talk a while back about a 67mm filter causing vignetting on the kit lens, so many FS100 users went for the 77mm solution.

The variable filter gives many opportunities to fine tune exposure, whilst leaving the camera set at the exposure you want - I also use fixed 4x4 filters when possible, but for run and gun, the variable is extremely useful - there is a lot of info on the FS100 page, especially with regard to using cheaper filters, and colour shift.

I agree with not leaving it on indoors - even wide open, you still get 1 -2 stops reduction in exposure.

Rob Cantwell January 25th, 2013 10:49 AM

Re: Neutral Density Filters
i got a Fader ND Ultra Mk II from Light Craft Workshop for my 5D MkIII seems to work a treat, i'm sure it'd work with stepdown rings here too. It offers up to 14 stops if you ever needed that much.

Jerome Cloninger March 19th, 2013 05:34 PM

Re: Neutral Density Filters
Well the Cokin "Pure Harmonie" is rubbish. See for yourself. My initial main problem and reason to run a short test was to show how it wouldn't allow focusing at full zoom. I didn't notice color shift at first UNTIL I did this test.
Noa is getting a Genus Eclipse so I'll await his similar test. I was going to get one of those but I couldn't find a 77 mm one last week... I want a 77.

Here's the clip...

Chris Harding March 19th, 2013 06:41 PM

Re: Neutral Density Filters
Hi Jerome

I'm running without ND's at the moment..The LC's I bought also had a terrible cast on them supposedly from "infrared contamination" ...it throws a serious cast on the colour balance!!

I bought a Kenko Pro which I haven't tried yet ....It really worrying that a company as well known as Cokin would produce such a piece of rubbish!!!

I too will wait until I find someone who might have found a filter that doesn't affect focus and doesn't mess up the white balance


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