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Martyn Moore April 23rd, 2013 04:17 AM

Re: content browser
Understood. I too hate all the junk so my solution is to navigate through the folder structure on the card and drag only the mts files onto my raw footage hard drive.

Then import only the files I need after previewing in Windows Explorer.

Do I miss out on anything by totally ignoring the meta data?

Noa Put April 23rd, 2013 04:27 AM

Re: content browser
As I understand the nle needs those to combine seperate files that are a part of one long continuous recording but I"m not 100% sure, I only know that edius 6.5 just copies the entire foldure structure but only shows the recorded files, without the folders. Only on the harddrive you can see the separate folders. The content browser also works with my sony cx730's so now it's just a quick importtool.

Chris Harding April 23rd, 2013 06:25 AM

Re: content browser
Hi Martyn

I do the same BUT as Noa says, if a file is split then you need to use the content utility (not the browser) to join the files for you.

Technically if you just drag the MTS files (which I do ..I just copy the stream folder contents) and there are say, two files that the camera has split once the first got to 2GB then it will actually lose 12 frames of audio (it doesn't lose any video) ..Join up the MTS files and you will find that the video is seamless but the audio has a 0.5 second gap. I find that I can get away with it 90% of the time!! Also if I'm shooting a sequence that I KNOW will be longer than 12 minutes and be subject to a second clip being created, I stop/start the camera at a convenient point so a new clip is created at a point where I want it to stop (like in a wedding ceremony where the priest has done the readings and asks the bride and groom to move into position) but technically you should be using the content utility which will automatically find the two files, identify that they belong together and join them into one! That's the right way to do it even if you and I just copy the stream files ...In cases where you have no split files, copying the contents of the stream folder is perfectly OK!


Ron Evans April 23rd, 2013 07:16 AM

Re: content browser
I just use Content Management Utility or PMB to transfer files which I then backup . I just treat them as part of the file management, totally separate from editing. Makes sure files are transferred correctly and in sync with no lost audio etc. Same as capturing tape and storing. That said I have no problem scrubbing through files to make sure they are the ones I need. Do you have a powerful PC ? AVCHD is very tasking for a PC. Depends on which version of Sony software you use as to what extra files are transferred. The software logs meta data like camera information and things like GPS location, log of files transferred so that one can just import automatically all new files for instance. If you backup after the transfer these are condensed but available in the future if you need them. I have a mix of cameras NX5U, NX30, XR500, CX700, even the stills compact HX30V ( and for this it not only shows GPS location but compass heading as well ) I can look back in calendar view and see what I did on any day over the past several years !!!! Important of course to keep the camera clocks correct and I have the GPS equipped cameras set to have the GPS set the correct time.

By using the transfer software the files are renamed to date and time too rather than 00000mts with no idea of where or when the files relates to. If the auto files transfer of the consumer version PMB or PlayMemories is used I actually think its faster to use as well.

Ron Evans

Chris Brown March 8th, 2014 03:41 PM

Re: content browser
I bought the content browser and tried the content utility and the PMB and nothing works with the Sony ea50. The later two wont even notice the camera.

Chris Harding March 8th, 2014 07:38 PM

Re: content browser
Hi Chris

You need the Content Management Utility Version 2.1 from the Sony Website ...which one do you have?? You will need to connect the camera's usb to the computer just the very first time you use the software so it knows what camera you are using..after that you can simply use your card reader in place of your camera.


Chris Brown March 10th, 2014 08:09 AM

Re: content browser
I finally got it to work. I download the 2.1 from Sony themselves and it just would not recognize. I did another search which led me to another page and I downloaded again, this time it loaded and noticed the camera. I'm out $20.00 after reading that the content utility was being discontinued and the new content browser is what is needed. You live and learn I guess. Not too bad a lesson as I have spent a lot more on other lessons that had to be learned.

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