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Joe Goldsberry January 20th, 2007 06:33 PM

Picture Profile Settings for Z1
OK, I just bit the bullet and purchased 2 Sony Z1 camcorders. I understand that by going into the menu you can improve the look of the picture. Any other Z1 owners care to share their settings with me? I'm most interested in low light settings.


Boyd Ostroff January 20th, 2007 06:56 PM

Welcome to DVinfo Joe, and congratulations on the new cameras! See the following thread:


This thread is a little old, but still some good ideas. I just turned it into a "sticky," so maybe others will see it and post some other recipes. But for me, the most valuable exercise was connecting the camera to a monitor and just playing around with everything to observe the results.

Joe Goldsberry January 20th, 2007 07:52 PM

Thanks Boyd. That's what I was looking for.


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